The WEAKEST Pokemon In Every Game

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Prepare for a journey through the most underwhelming Pokemon in gaming history! We're diving deep into the weakest creatures that have graced Pokemon games, from Magikarp's uselessness to Unown's mysterious limitations. Get ready to cringe at these Pokemon that are more burden than blessing! Our countdown explores the most pathetic Pokemon across different generations, including Wurmple, Chingling, Woobat, and Rookidee, revealing why these creatures are the absolute worst additions to any trainer's team!
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#Pokemon #Gaming #VideoGames #Nintendo #GameFreak
The WEAKEST Pokemon In Every Game
What is the Weakest Pokemon in EVERY Game?
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The Worst Types in Every Pokemon Region (Unova - Galar)
The Worst Parts of Every Pokemon Generation
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The Worst Pokemon Moves in Every Generation
Which Region Has the Strongest Pokemon?
What is the WORST Possible Pokemon Type Combination?
The Worst Gen 4 Pokémon
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The Worst Gen 3 Pokémon
The Worst Gyms in Every Pokemon Region
10 Pokemon with Useless Abilities
Best Pokémon of Every Type
The Best and Worst Areas in Every Pokemon Region (Kanto - Sinnoh)
Pokemon moves, literally. The full compiled series (Remastered)
1 Hilarious Fact for EVERY Original Pokemon!