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If a guitar is priced too good to be true, it probably is.

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If you want to buy something on Reverb that isn't a scam, Please consider using this affiliate link that supports the channel. Thank you😊


I had a dream last night with you in it. You talked me out of buying a Gibson. I appreciated it. Good times.


Based on previous knowledge, if they really want this to stop, have the sellers just sell Yngwie Malmsteen guitars. Theyll be sending C&Ds and takedowns by the metric tonne!


Peak KDH is when he is pointing out frauds in the industry


I've seen a bunch of dodgy listings, multiples of the same listing with stock Photos, half of the ad copy and listed as brand new by "individuals" who have no feedback. I found about 6 listings for an MXR Bass Octave Deluxe, basically the same description from random people. Obviously fake listings and i always report. I've not noticed THAT being so much of an issue at the moment. Great video, thanks for making people aware.


Closed my Reverb account this week (well, started the process as it takes time). Not so much because of the scams, but because for synth gear - which is my main interest - it's very US centric, and the prices are crazy. People see something listed for a crazy price, and then list theirs for the same, unaware that they're rarely selling as the prices are unrealistic. So I've gone back to eBay, where prices seem to be getting sensible again as sellers there wise up.


I stopped selling on reverb when they started gouging the individual sellers that created their empire.when they were around 5%, it was fair. Now between shipping, bumps and increased fees, it’s simply not worth it.


You're a hero! Scammers are the worst but at least we've got folks on the lookout


reverb should offer a verification process where sellers submit the serial number to reverb


Surely it's not legal for Reverb to give you credit rather than a refund. It's written in The Consumer Rights Act that for online purchases they have to give you a refund.


I’ve spent a lot of money on reverb, I’ve had no problems yet, but I have heard horror stories, thanks for the info, I love your channel!


A problem I've had on Reverb is the last two times I've bought something someone tried to use my card numbers to buy other things. Luckily my bank caught it and I didn't lose any money. But I won't pay with my card on Reverb anymore.


Great video. Zero or very low feedback is a good indicator it is very likely as scammer. However all sellers at some point had zero feedback. Ask questions, lack of communication is another good indicator since scammers do not want to engage in a communication specially if they do not have the item they are listing. Ask for additional specific pics or even facetime to verify they have the item on hand. Bottom line use common sense and report suspicious listings. Finally as a good measure use PayPal so you get your money back instead of Reverb credit. Thanks for the video.


Very good video - thanks! Reverb could change their policy to release the money to the seller once the buyer has confirmed receipt. A simply yet affective solution. As a buyer or seller I would have no issue with them doing this.


Good advice. Nowadays I don't fall for these things but I remember being young and seeing online sales that looked amazing and being young and somewhat dumb I wanted to believe they were true. Luckily, I never had the money even for the scam, but if I did I would've probably fell for at least one.

Same thing with bundles. As a camera guy, back in the day, there were so many "bundles" that were just a way of ripping you off haha. They still exist, but not in the same amount.

But it's important that people like you make these videos because it can really help out a lot of people that think they found a bargain and want to believe it's true because let's be honest, who doesn't want an amazing bargain. Once you grow up a bit you don't normally fall for this, but still many people do. As I said, I would've several years back, like a dummy hehe.


can't wait for the short scale video!


You know not 48 hours after watching this video, this happened to me. A mint condition 2022 American Ultra strat showed up for 500. I went to message the guy, he had no ratings or anything. I reversed google searched the image and nothing popped up. So I messaged him asking if he could send a video of him playing the guitar and if he could write a note with the days date on it so I knew it was legitimate. Right when I sent the message, the post got taken down and the account did as well. This happened in North America. Thanks KDH for the video!


These are wise words, sir, thank you. Also, look super closely at the pictures. Some years ago, I bought a Tony Iommi signature SG, but the seller edited the pics to hide a cracked horn. Reverb was very helpful, but it took a long time to resolve. Luckily, just a couple weeks ago, I found another in great condition and it's practically perfect, like new... except for the fact they sent it in a Les Paul hardshell case, but it survived shipment.


The latest possible scams I've seen have listings with nice controllers, synths, or guitar modelers. Like a helix for 795 from France, Germany, or Mexico with a one line description and free shipping. They almost got me because they responded within minutes but I ultimately didn't want to risk it. Don't know how it works but I've seen hundreds of those listings.


I've purchased Gotoh Trems where they charged me 70$ per unit (2 on one order) the day after I checked out. Fortunately I got the unauthorized charges reversed, but they sent me a rude message saying I should contact them before purchasing. I still overpaid shipping by 15$ per unit at 30$ each. Yes, my home Alaska is far away, but I ship/receive to/from the lower 48 all the time, and it's not highway robbery shipping costs. It's a sketchy place. I feel safer buying on Ebay, seriously.
