Structure of The Leaf - GCSE Biology |

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The leaf has many chloroplasts in the palisade cells. This is to increase the rate of photosynthesis. The leaf has a transparent waxy cuticle, which is transparent to allow light through to the palisade cells. On the underside of the leaf are the stomata, which are pores in the leaf. The stomata are controlled by guard cells. When the stomata are open, the gas carbon dioxide can diffuse into the leaf. The carbon dioxide diffuses from the stomata through the air space in the spongy mesophyll layer. The spongy mesophyll tissue has an air space to increase the rate of diffusion of gases through the leaf. The xylem supplies water for photosynthesis. After photosynthesis has taken place, the gas oxygen diffuses out of the leaf through the stomata. Glucose is transported away from the leaf through the phloem.

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i cant see the answers because of the video pop ups


u just taught me a 2 hour lesson in 5 minutes, u should have more views man
