The Story of React Query

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React Query is used in 1 out of every 6 React applications. This is the story of why that is.

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Amazing video, great explanation, instantly subscribed.


RQ being used in 1 out of every 6 React apps is a wild stat


react query now Tanstack Query is just so much useful for the state management like loading state, error state, successful data fetching, mutation and many more


Best react query explanation video I have seen. Bravo!


I like the basic description of what a React component is: a function of state that returns a view. That is brilliant and I wish I'd heard that some years ago. Took me a while to grasp how React will call your components multiple times to render things! Which gets me to how hooks are a mediocre solution that always like they were pushing what React is capable of perhaps a bit too hard.


Was using SWR as it's a much simpler and approachable library, but the design is inconsistent which makes mutations painful. The mutator in SWR only modifies cache data; it doesn't include your network call. This mean your errors in mutation network requests are segregated from SWR. This is in contrast to fetching in SWR where SWR _does_ bundle the fetcher in the SWR call, so SWR could process this error. The amount of error handling doubles as the design decision of including/excluding the network request is inconsistent. It becomes quite difficult in SWR because you may make other network requests independent of SWR that are not mutations or SWR fetches, so you need to figure out if these are related to SWR or not _and_ if SWR would handle them or not. For example, if you have an SWR handler for fetcher errors but you also have a handler for all network request failures, the error may be reported to the end user twice. But you can't simply remove your network request error handling as then you'd lose handling of mutation errors which SWR won't catch or network errors unrelated to SWR. Unless you write some convoluted state machine for processing errors, you'd need to handle each mutation network call and SWR-unrelated network call explicitly while ignoring errors on fetcher network calls if you want SWR to handle those. In TQ, an error in either a mutation network step or a query's network step triggers TQ's `onError` so I can process the error there and it immediately removes all of this thinking.


Great video! It took me a bit of time to convince my colleagues to use RQ. Now, they're having fun!


Great explanation, fetching always looks easy until it doesn't


Love it!. This pretty much summed up my journey to react-query too. I started building my own, it got complicated. Then I switched to axios-hooks, which was pretty nice. But then I needed the same functionality for non-http calls. (fetching data from a c++ wrapper). React query doesn't care what's in your async function, so it was perfect. Plus it has a ton more features that often come in handy.


Thank you for using the analogy with math, the origin of everything (why we need to learn a concept from scratch when there is transfer learning (bijection)).


Great video describing ReactQuery!

From the title I was expecting to learn about the actual founding of React Query (instead of what it's solving) but I guess those are virtually the same/intertwined. Idk why I thought it'd be more of a documentary style on Tanner and team but that's where my brain went

Also was very excited to dive into coding with React Query at the end but the vid wrapped up well enough for me.


The usp of this video is its content and the how you r presenting it nice ui, color full test, animation


Whatttt. I've seen this video's thumbnail and ive been putting it off to watch it, now im glad i watched it 😁


Every people in company watch this video. It's very perfect information


Excellent video. I subscribed straight away. Out of curiosity what tool(s) are you using for the code presentation - the zooming in/out, emphasis on lines/blocks, transitions all look awesome. I am still using PowerPoint/keynote to present code at work and it’s tedious to say the least.


I don't really comment on videos, but this one was really well made. Thank you! More of this! And I will definitely check out the React Query course.


Thank you so much! Using Query in my new project :D


Using it for two years, love it. Tanner is a proper G ❤


You have outdone yourselves. This is absolutely superb content


I’ve been in go world for a moment still doing next js daily but man I love go and coming to this I’m reminded how crazy our js world is.
