16 Years: Surviving Metastatic #ProstateCancer | Joel Nowak, CEO of @cancerabcs4642 | #PCRI

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Joel Nowak is the founder, CEO, and Executive Director of "Cancer ABCs," an organization devoted to providing plain-language resources to cancer patients, and more generally, to improve the lives of cancer patients. Here, Mr. Nowak describes his own personal experience with prostate cancer and three other cancers he has been faced with.

Who we are:

The Prostate Cancer Research Institute (PCRI) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that is dedicated to helping you research your treatment options. We understand that you have many questions, and we can help you find the answers that are specific to your case. All of our resources are designed by a multidisciplinary team of advocates and expert physicians, for patients. We believe that by educating yourself about the disease, you will have more productive interactions with your medical professionals and receive better individualized care. Feel free to explore our website or call our free helpline at 1 (800) 641-7274 with any questions that you have. Our Federal Tax ID # is 95-4617875 and qualifies for maximum charitable gift deductions by individual donors.

The information on the Prostate Cancer Research Institute's YouTube channel is provided with the understanding that the Institute is not engaged in rendering medical advice or recommendation. The information provided in these videos should not replace consultations with qualified health care professionals to meet your individual medical needs.

#ProstateCancer #CancerABC #PCRI
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A ray of hope for metastatic prostate cancer patients ❤ lots of blessings and love


Happy for you but I have stage 4 prostate cancer, metastized into bone, bladder, left lung, liver. Been fighting this for 9 years but each 6 months I get a little weaker and weaker. PSA is now over 100 regardless of all the treatment. Don't know how much time I have left, I'm 74, got this from Agent Orange in Nam. We shall see how much longer I have, but not worried about it at all. Not afraid to die because I've lived a life already. Can't live forever 🥳


Thanks for reassuring " it's not a death sentence". That gives me reason to fight on. Thanks for sharing.


I'm 81 years old and have had prostate cancer for 22 years. I had external beam radiation for 35 days. A year later the cancer returned so started intermittent hormone reducing therapy with a drug called Zoladex. My original Doctor retired and a my new Doctor injects Zoladex every 3 months. My PSA has remained steady for the past year. I'm a lucky guy.


Good video. Am in year 13 with my metastatic prostate cancer from a PSA of 37 and Gleason of 9, so it’s indeed all about management and control, staying positive, diet and working proactively with your medics.


During my filing for disability with the VA I was screened for PSA and it was 12, further testing Gleason 7 (4+3) Group 3 Spread to nearby lymph nodes. I'm 70 and will be starting ADT and for my fate I am Thankful... that after 10 years of being retired from the army I filed my claim but had I not, I would never discovered my cancer...it was the best gift I could hope for otherwise I would still be sitting watching YouTube ignoring my symptoms because I suffer from chronic backpain. I hope I can do Intermittent as well, God Speed


Two years ago, at the age of 53, I had my prostate removed, and so far no reoccurrence. I appreciate this video, especially the last few minutes. We really do need to take charge of our healthcare.


What an amazing testimony. This man has a gift of positivity and showing others the way.


4 Cancers. Man I Can't Imagine Going Through That. Good Luck To You Man.


Great to hear your positivity after going through so much. I live in the UK so it's possible that treatment is a little different over here. My friend age 69 was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer about a year ago. He had a PSA of 150 and after an MRI it was discovered that the cancer had spread to the bone. He was told to expect the worse as there was no cure. He has been given two treatments. 1) a 6 month hormone injection of Decapeptyl and 2) Monthly tablets of a novel hormone treatment called Apalutamide. His PSA has gone down to 4 and he is generally in good health apart from frequent sweats. It is giving him some hope that the future might not be quite so grim. When I showed him your story, it has further given him hope, although the medication is different. Although Apalutamide does not promise a cure, if he can survive another 5 years it's looking as though the new personalised mRNA treatments may offer some hope.

Thanks you for sharing your story and thanks also to the researchers, doctors and nurses who literally are saving my friends life


Alex, you are a true asset to PCRI. Your knowledge of PC is amazing and I love your interviews and your questions to Dr. Stoltz.


My dad (59) got diagnosed last week with stage 3 prostate cancer, metaswized into bone and bone marrow. Today was his first dose of treatment and main appointment with the urologist. the past week from finding out of his diagnosis I have been a wreck as I am not ready for him to got (me 24 f). Videos like these give me hope so thank you for sharing your story


WOW, absolutely love this guy and his attitude, thank you so much


This is super helpful and full of vital information, coming from a person who has actually gone through all this and is so positive about the whole thing. In today's age, we have to be thankful to the internet and the loads of information available. Thanks sir!


As usual, extremely informative. You can't stress enough the importance of doctor patient communication AND research/self advocacy.


Alex so loved this post! Joel having all these different cancers, surviving and handling it so well, not miserable but adjusted to his condition and looks so well and happy! And patients research is vital and after 2 years i am still learning! Every post is gold, and your caring dedication keeps me well! Thank you as always!🙏


Fantastic video, thank you both for the great support. I have stage 4, it was diagnosed on the 2nov 23. I have been put on a hormone treatment and it seems to be working. No more pain in my bones or hip. Fingers crossed. My lovely wife is super supportive and is researching everything, and all the anti cancer food which might help. Totally agree you need to know what things to ask your doctors. I have a printed form with about 50 questions to help get the feedback from them. Yes you need to understand your cancer. Keep up the fantastic information and support. Regards Steve


My PSA was 1599 at the start with most bones infected, and now am starting into my 6th year and feel pretty good--most of the time. I try not to let this cancer be my life, just a little thing, along with the rest of the little things that I have to deal with.


I recently fired one of my doctors. He would constantly ask me how "do I want to treat my cancer." I just wanted him to occasionally say, "this is what I think we should do." I can do my research, but I am not trained as a cancer specialist. Also, different doctors are all over the place about how to treat me. I just don't feel like any doctors are committed to me and my case. I'm just a number of the chart helping them make their boat payments.


my father, 76, diagnosed prostate cancer last week and schedule for a bone scan, we still hope that the cancer cells don't spread, we earned below average and we have lack of health facilities in our province you have to travel miles away for a good hospital, what we are praying now is that my father will not suffer so much in pain, i put my trust in God
