From Athletes to Advocates | Chris Kluwe + More | Talks at Google

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Chris Kluwe, Brendon Ayanbadejo, and Scott Fujita Announce Broadening Support for "Athletes' Brief" on Marriage Equality

Chris Kluwe of the Oakland Raiders and Brendon Ayanbadejo of the Super Bowl Champion Baltimore Ravens announced today the addition of numerous supporters for their "Athletes' Brief" with the U.S. Supreme Court. The Athletes' Brief was filed in the case of Hollingsworth v. Perry, which challenges California's Proposition 8 ban on same-sex marriage. The brief expresses the importance of equal rights, and the role that athletes play in affecting public behavior by the way they treat others, and especially their effect on young people.

"Brendon and I have emphasized all along that athletes have a special message when it comes to welcoming others as friends and teammates, without regard for their sexual orientation—we've made that point before in some unique ways, and we felt we had a special perspective to offer the Court in a very serious case about equality," said Kluwe.

Ayanbadejo added, "We knew from our prior work and membership in organizations like Athlete Ally that support for basic human rights is widespread in the sports community, so we asked our friends like Scott Fujita if they would support that message in our brief."

Fujita, a linebacker who was part of the New Orleans Saints team that won Super Bowl XLIV, reached out to his former teammates and found an equally positive reaction. Fujita noted, "Football is a macho sport, but we've found many players to be accepting. We hope to create an environment where a player who is gay will be treated like any other teammate."

Kluwe, Ayanbadejo, and Fujita are all Ambassadors for Athlete Ally, a leading organization working to end homophobia in sports.

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The word marriage is a manmade word as are the laws defining what it means. Humans past and present used this word as with many other words in order to control their flock.When one is aware of the true meaning of oneness and that every humans source is balanced and has no gender there is no problem.


These are three of my heroes! I love them to pieces! Thanks Chris, Brandon, and Scott for all you do! Thanks Talks at Google for sharing this video!


A little miracle.  Wonderful moderator.  Role-models.  Inspiration for young kids and everyone else.  
