Freedom (LIVE) - Bethel Music & William Matthews | For The Sake Of The World

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Featuring: Brian Johnson, Jenn Johnson, Jeremy Riddle, William Matthews, and Steffany Frizzell-Gretzinger

Bethel Music's collective of worship leaders aim to write and record songs that carry the culture of heaven and the heart of God. We exist to pursue the heart of God. Together, we express who God is and who we are in Him. We capture fresh expressions of worship in every season that resonates with worshipers around the world. Our dream, is that all the earth would worship God.

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I love that Chris Quila can lead an awesome worship band, but is also able to be in the background as a drummer. True leader.



You came to set the captives free
You came to bring us liberty
My sin and my rejection
Your blood and my acceptance
Now I'm alive to bring You praise

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom
Every chain is broken through You, Jesus
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom

Whoa oh, oh, oh

Your blood has covered every sin
Your grace empowers me to win
My pain and my oppression met
Your blood and my acceptance
Now I'm alive to bring You praise

I'm free I'm free, I'm free to dance and sing
I'm free, I'm free, I'm free to shout it out
I'm free, I'm free, I'm free to dance and sing
I'm free, I'm free, I'm free to worship You
I'm gonna worship you


When i picked up my Bible to read just now He led me to Jer31 and reminded me that He has said i will help to prepare the way for my people to cross over. The day that i joked about the man in the moon remember..? A link there...i was quite shocked!! When i started to read Jer31 now (Afr NLV) Holy Spirit showed me that what He meant by all the families in v.1 is as i understand it how we refer to tribes - âll the tribes (1Pet1 MSG also Isaiah54 i think where He promised one day in heaven we will see all our "spiritual children" and ask whére have théý come from..? The great harvest. So it means our people/nation is áll the tribes of heavenly Israel. Of cóúrse it refers to earthly Israel as wéll. The Lord actually told me through Steven Furtick one day that i mustn't shut down everything then or so quickly because He was still busy doing what He wants to do and He also said something about its not about how large my platform is but who am i speaking to that matters...good thing to keep in mind... Then now i also read in Jeremia 31 NLV that the Lord actually says a lót about how to prepare the way there... for example okay remember the way He looks at us is He sees the end from the beginning so bear that in mind here...:
Verse 6 is véry précious to me because i'm an intercessor... and the Afr NLV has a footnote that says Jerusalem also can be Zion. Bear in mind that when Jesus revealed Himself to me in 1994 and shared about the Great Awakening or Outpouring of his Holy Spirit in gréáter/fúll measure/glory, i can't recall that i actually heard Him say Jerusalem one time He used the word Zion over and over. But Holy Spirit díd gave me an inner witness of Jerusalem at the same time in the form of an stróng understanding or feeling/knowing even as if i could hear it so strong an inner whisper...
Verse 7 is almost like marching orders in terms of preparing the way... concerning Zion (bride of Christ/heavenly Israel) and also earthly Israel whom i think could be those left behind after the rapture who will get saved then...
The LORD says what we have to do us singing songs of freedom/deliverance over the unsaved as well as the saved isn't it - just like He does in Zeph3:14-20 its a prophetic act - of course songs can also be speaking as in preaching/witnessing or i suppose whatever your gift is in Holy Spirit to do it - calling forth which is not yet...seeing them coming into speaking to the king in people not the fool in i think Pastor Hagee or Robert Morris said - every person has a king and a fool in them - if you speak to them as if they are kings the king will listen and if you speak to them as fools thats what you'll get...the Lord says in v.7 let them hear your praises and also say/pray: "LORD save your nation/people those who are still left - see also v.1


my guess is that normally it says your soul goes to hell dead, hopeless, and all that. But where the spirit of the LORD is we are alive and there is freedom. Even in the depths of hell


18 people haven't been set FREE!!!


Chris Quilala was on drums even before he was leading voices on the Jesus Culture band


i go crazy for jesus every time i listen to this a drummer so i love playing this song


i pray this song brings thousands together in 2020🙏🏽🖤🖤🖤


This song is timeless a beautiful work I heard it when it launched and I'm still listening to it today 2023❤️💥


i'm seriously addicted to bethel. Everyone there just is sooo free and living in the spirit, not in disciplines, religious techniques....just straight up SPIRIT. Everytime I watched their videos, worship with them they just explifiy what its like to be actually free in the spirit, a constant stinkin Glory Party and intimate with the Bridegroom... I wish I could live in that sanctuary :)


I'm free I'm free I'm free If you believe it, live by it, if you live by it share it. -Messay


I love all the different people leading in worship!! Its so refreshing! So many musicians! Wonderful!!! I am free!


God wants us to be free and happy thats why He gives us the freedom to choose. As long as we are obedient and worship Him only we will always remain free and blessed


The fact that Chris is such a diverse musician amazes me. He is humble enough to lead vocals for Jesus Culture and still play drums, and be dang good at it too!


This song reminds me of a beautiful fall night, hanging out with your friends, roasting marshmallows under a starry night with the bonfire going.


I am dancing to that song on church 😍😍😍😍


You came to set the captives free
You came to bring us liberty
My sin and my rejection
Your blood and my acceptance
Now I'm alive to bring You praise

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom
Every chain is broken through You, Jesus
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom

Whoa oh, oh, oh

Your blood has covered every sin
Your grace empowers me to win
My pain and my oppression met
Your blood and my acceptance
Now I'm alive to bring You praise

I'm free I'm free, I'm free to dance and sing
I'm free, I'm free, I'm free to shout it out
I'm free, I'm free, I'm free to dance and sing
I'm free, I'm free, I'm free to worship You
I'm gonna worship you


I just heard the soft deep soulful voice of William Matthews today for the first time and was blown away. I like the energy, beat and message behind this song. The percussion is out of this world, and so are the benefits of following Jesus Christ.


Jesus Christ has set me free with His blood, with His Word and with His Holy Spirit in the almighty name of Jesus, our Lord!!!


Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. It is the truth. Thank You Jesus.
