9 Things You Should Know About Jehovah's Witnesses

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9 Things You Should Know About Jehovah's Witnesses



A lot of people I know think of Jehovah's Witnesses as the people who sometimes knock on your door to talk to you about God.

That's all they know about the Jehovah's Witnesses. So let's fix that right now.

1) They don't accept blood transfusions.

Imagine you're in a car accident and you're taken to the hospital. They need to give you blood. Devout Witnesses won't accept it.

2) If you commit what the church views as a serious sin, and you're deemed unrepentant by a committee of elders, you will be disfellowshipped.

Not just kicked out of the church... but disfellowshipped. Which means no one in the church can ever speak with you again.

3) They believe the world's ending soon and only they will be saved.

4) They don't celebrate birthdays.

Why? For one, they believe your death day is way more important than your birthday, so who cares.

5) They don't celebrate other Holidays.

6) They are currently governed by seven dudes.

The Governing Body formulates doctrine for all Witnesses everywhere.

Women aren't allowed.

They don't have any special qualifications despite being able to set policy for millions of followers.

And they're appointed for life.

7) Jehovah's Witnesses are discouraged from getting higher education

Preaching is supposed to be your true calling. College would just get in the way of that. So while you might get away with learning a trade, Church Elders actively discourage you from going to a university.

They don't want you to be part of a secular world and they know how tempting it can be when you're surrounded by people who don't feel like God's watching over them at all times.

More importantly, a lot of people who go to college are taught to think critically and examine their beliefs. They take science classes and philosophy classes. And some of them eventually shed their faith.

That's a risk the Church doesn't want people to take.

8) They were the original Pledge protesters.

I feel like I should say something nice about the Witnesses.

The first major legal battle involving the Pledge of Allegiance involved a Witness family in the 1930s.

A little boy said he didn't want to salute the flag because his religion taught him not to bow down or pledge allegiance to anything except God.

He was expelled from school and the courts said that was the right decision.

Years later, kids from a Witness family from Pennsylvania also refused to salute the flag, and their case made it all the way to the Supreme Court. The justices voted 8-1... against the family.

It was a horrible decision, it was reversed with another case a few years later, but they deserve some credit for protesting mandatory participation in the Pledge. Today, it's usually atheists who make the news for protesting the Pledge, but that wasn't always the case.

They did it. It wasn't easy. They got harassed for it at the time but they stood strong on this issue. So good on them.

9) There are so many resources for ex-JWs or people looking to get out.

Did you know there's a subreddit just for ex-JWs? It's awesome.

There are also several websites exposing the church's beliefs.

Links are in the description below! Check them out.

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Рекомендации по теме

I used to be a jw... it was rough growing up


My grandpa's wife is a jehovah's witness and my family is constantly convincing him not to join the church because he wouldn't be able to do dialysis anymore, which he needs to keep him alive. I really hope he keeps listening to us.


It's definitely a cult. It fits all the hallmarks of a cult. Based on my experiences with meeting and talking to them they are utterly brain washed.


My little cousin was diagnosed with leukemia. His parents were Jehovah’s witnesses.

He needed a major surgery, and his parents refused a blood transfusion for him. The doctors made it clear that his chances of survival were slim without a transfusion. They still insisted that he could not have one.

Since he was 2 years old at the time, he was considered a ward of the state and his parents’ decision was overruled. The doctors gave him a transfusion to save his life. Had it been up to his parents, he would have died on the operating table.

Amidst all this, I remember his parents being worried about their fate if the elders found out about the transfusion.

Those people are absolutely brainwashed. Things like that should be a crime.


Christmas was just a pegan celebration used to replace the celebration of the winter solstice. no one is even sure of when he was born.


#7 is actually correct! I remember when I was growing up with JW they was encouraging me that I shouldn’t have to go to College because that’s not what God do and elders told me I should spend a full life dedicating to God and that’s it.... um no


As the child of a Jehovah's Witness I can say that this video is very accurate. Good job exposing this damaging CULT


I was one of JW. I fell away in 1983. In 2017 I was going to return. I have 5 grown children that also grew up being JW but no longer are affliated. 1 daughter who became what I call a 'Jesus worshiper' begged me to first do my research on JW. So that is when my journey began. Well I did find a lot of inconsistances in the JWs but then I took it further and that is when I found out what I believe is the REAL truth about the bible and Christianity. My journey lasted about 4-5 yrs. I am now an Athiest! I do not believe the Bible is the word of do not even believe we were created by God! I am very happy with what and how I believe. The 1 thing that always bothered me in life was how if there is this Amazing loving could he allow innocent children to suffer without food and many die! I couldn't pray and worship him for just that reason I hate it when I hear ppl say...."My god is s good god....I just got approved for a new house or new car!" Wow....you really think he answered your prayer but totally disregarded a mothers prayer to help her feed her children? GTHOH!!! I respect others beliefs and its okay. I love all of my kids and they love and respect me!!!


Thank you, Hemant, for helping to expose this dangerous cult. I was a 4th generation born-in and my hubs and I escaped with our 4 sons when I was 35 years old. We are SO much happier now. I hope that this video will help others who want a better life too.


How on earth could any parent put their religion before their own children, am just so glad am a Atheist and my children always come first on everything


My grandmother's sister is a JW her daughter had some sort of complications and she needed blood transfusion but she let her die because this cult is more important for her than her own child it's so fucked up


Poor people. I hope they find the willpower to leave that twisted and corrupted cult


I was a Jehovah's Witness for many years, so please allow me to clarify #1 a bit.

In 1945, the application of the doctrine on blood was expanded to prohibit blood transfusions of whole blood, whether allogeneic or autologous, but did not introduce "punishment" for the procedure until 1961. In 1956, they stated that even accepting blood fractions was against scripture. In 2000 they stated " Members are instructed to personally decide if accepting a fraction would violate the doctrine on blood". Currently their stance on the matter is non-acceptance of the four major components in blood (red cells, white cells, platelets and plasma) and fractions such as albumin, immunoglobulins and hemophiliac preparations are "not absolutely prohibited" and a matter of personal choice.

As a man that was forced to wear a "no blood" bracelet as a child and lost the person he loved the most as a martyr to this "religion", I can't help but find their evolving stance on blood to be a bit ironic as their scripture hasn't changed. What has changed?


My great-aunt was a Jehovah's Witness member.  Her side of the family converted with her, and they managed to cause a division with the rest of us.  It saddened my grandmother (her sister) greatly.  So, for years we did not associate with them because any time we were around them after they first joined, they could not resist their witnessing,  They were quite insistent and it came to the point where we just stopped seeing them because they would not get off their platform.  The last time I saw my great-aunt was at my grandfather's funeral.  She came to the funeral home, but her husband remained in the car, as he had Alzheimer's Disease and he wouldn't have known any of us.  It was a very strange period.  It was like our friendship with them was taken from us, but it was a very important lesson: to avoid that cult!


As a former Jehovah's Witness, who has grown up in the faith and used to be very dedicated. I can agree with every statement in this video.

I'm also someone who has said goodbye to my entire life as I knew it.

I vlog and make videos about my experiences now as an adult, because I feel morally obligated to let people know the truth about the "truth". Thanks for making this Hemant.


You are right!
Many of us are still JW' S. The reason why we cannot leave is, it is because of the shunning policy.


I have to laugh at all these JW commenters with misspelled words and poor grammar. It's like they're trying to prove Helmet right in how JW discourage higher education.


Hmmmm. A post apocalyptic game where the enemies are jahovas witnesses that want to make their prophecy true by killing non witness survivors


they don't discourage you from going to college....you are allowed to go to college just as long as it doesn't get in the way of religion


You know if a jehovahs is watching they’ll probably be like “it’s not a church it’s called a Kingdom Hall”
