Worst Airline Pilot Attitude Caught on Camera

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When airline pilots promote unsafe habits as acceptable on social media it encourages pilots to take unnecessary risks

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Retired International Pilot here with over 26, 000 hrs.
I always remembered the phrase, " a superior pilot is one that uses his knowledge and experience to avoid a situation requiring their superior skills".
No truer words.


Retired professional pilot here. 47 years of experience including USAF. That pilot hasn't had the sh-t scared out of him yet.


“WW2 fighters, need balls. Airline pilots, zero balls needed, just good judgment”. Agreed 100% but the way you said it cracked me up. 😂


I was having dinner with a UAL 747 captain, just after the Final Report on the Dallas crash came out. He said: "I do not understand why anyone would choose to land in that weather! I've never flown anywhere in the world were you couldn't wait 30-45 min for the bad stuff to pass and then land. I've had a very boring career and I intend to keep it that way." I've never forgotten that lesson...


"Your plane's going to do better going through a storm than it is going through a mountain." Kelsey has the driest humor delivery I've seen in a long time.


"...but if you get microbursted into the ground, that's going to make you really late for your connecting flight." Absolute gold, Kelsey. Your senses of modesty and understatement make you my favorite YouTube pilot to watch. If I
ever ran into you at an airport, I'd offer to buy you a coffee & swap "people doing stupid stuff" stories with you. Retired paramedic-firefighter & LEO here.


“Zero balls needed!” Great quote and excellent clip Kelsey!


As a private jet pilot, this reminds me of the time we were flying down to southern Florida and there was a massive red, even magenta, line of thunderstorms blocking off the state coast to coast. It was a thin line maybe 15-20 miles or so but no gaps and tops too high to get around. Passengers were pissed off that I refused to fly through the storm despite me telling them the guy in front of us who tried to punch through reported EXTREME turbulence and declared an emergency including injuries. Dropped them off in Georgia close to the border and said good luck driving through that. Week later when I went down to pick them up they said it was the worst storm they had ever seen and nearly crashed multiple times trying to drive through it. They also ended up having to pay for hail damage to the rental car they took through that storm. Oh well, I don't get paid enough to risk my life like that and at the end of the day if having no balls gets me home in one piece, then that's what I'm gonna do.


"trust, but verify"

This is the first I've seen a vid of yours, but I ALWAYS have respect for anyone that's had to learn the phrase on their own.😊

Instant sub ❤


30 odd years ago, I was on a shuttle service from Heathrow to Manchester (UK). We were taxiing out when the pilot told us that we were going to hold for a while. His was a thunderstorm passing through our projected flight path, and it was better to be down here wishing we were up there, rather than being up there and wishing we were down here. Never a truer word said.... and 20 minutes later we were away without and further hitches - and very grateful to that pilot!


I've never seen you this angry. Good teaching video Kelsey. Your statement that "Boring is safe." is itsomething every pilot should learn.


During my PPL (A) training many years ago I was taught that it was always better being on the ground wishing you were in the air rather than in the air wishing you were on the ground. 2000 hours private flying so far and its one lesson I never forgot.


"There should be no balls. Zero balls needed." <--- Sage advice for the ages in commercial airlines!


Nicely done video Kelsey. My most memorable conversation on the subject of weather and terrain was with a Royal Nepal Airlines Twin Otter pilot who told me, "Royal Nepal Airlines does not fly through clouds, because in Nepal, there are rocks in the clouds."


Love Kelsey!
“… at the end of the day your plane’s going to do better going through a storm than going through a mountain…”
Words to live by.


Million times better to be stuck on the ground, wishing you were up in the air than to be up in the air, desperately praying to be back safely on the ground. Here’s to hoping that EVERY commercial pilot flying today feels the exact same way.


As a frequent flying passenger I wholeheartedly support this pilot's efforts to make my flights as boring as possible. 😄👍


As a paramedic/flight medic/critical care medic instructor I would talk about medical situations similar to this as "Don't just do something, stand there." You have to be on that other side of the Dunning-Kruger curve to realize that sometimes doing nothing is the best thing to do.


"Waiting 20-30 minutes...Will it cause some delays? Sure, it will cause some delays. But if you get microbursted into the ground that's gunna make you really late for your connecting flight" - this sarcasm had me in stitches 😂


"If you get micro-bursted into the ground that's going to make you really late for your connecting flight!" - Yep. I hate it when I miss a connection because of this.
