CGI 3D Animated Short: 'Lifeless' - by Team Lifeless | TheCGBros

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Check out this cool 3D animated short called "Lifeless" as new kind of organism has been born. It is not made up of flesh and blood, but of circuits and wires. Witness the life of this organism unfold as it grows and thrives until it must inevitably conclude, created by the talented team of Fokke Mars, Bas Jansen, and Max van der Ree! For more information, please see the details and links below:

Lifeless is a short animation created by 3rd year animation students at the HKU University of the Arts Utrecht in a 5 month time period.

Music by:

KLIK! Amsterdam Animation Festival 2016
Sommets du cinéma d"animation - Festival international de Montréal et de Québec 2016

Euroshorts Short Film Festival 2016
Anilogue International Animation Festival 2016
MONSTRA | Lisbon Animated Film Festival 2017
Anim!Arte - International student animation festival of Brazil 2017
Shortcutz Network | International Shortfilms Movement 2017
Go Short International Short Film Festival Nijmegen 2017
Holland Animation Film Festival (HAFF) 2017
Vogelpop Film Festival 2017
Open World Animation Festival 2017
The International Animation Film Festival (IAFF) Golden Kuker- Sofia 2017






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Anyone else get the Aperture Science vibes from this?


I like how everything that happens is in time with the music. it feels like this video has a deep meaning, although its just within reach to grasp.


"Do you know the biggest lesson I learned from what you did? I discovered I have a sort of black box quick-save feature. In the event of a catastrophic failure, the last two minutes of my life are preserved for analysis. I was able--well, forced, really--to relive you killing me *again* and *again.* Forever. You know, if you'd done that to somebody else, they might devote their entire existence to *exacting revenge?* Luckily, I'm a bigger person than that. I'm happy to put this all behind us and get back to work. After all, we've got a lot to do, and only sixty more years to do it... more or less...
...I don't have the actuarial tables in front of me..." -GlaDOS, from Portal 2


I've been watching these shorts for like an hour solid by now. How was it only this one and the cancer one made me feel? They're all really amazing.


Welcome to Aperture Science Computer-aided Enrichments center.


Did that crane just commit suicide at the end??


the crane tried to commit suicide but the thing that's spocssed to crush metal ran out of energy too


The first minute and thirty seconds were aesthetically pleasing


I like how the music gets distorted at the end, as if the sound file was actually corrupted


0:08 aperture is in business
0:22 robots wake up
0:31 more robots are assembled
0:37 production spreads
0:41 GLaDOS has woken up and the facility is now in control
0:51 robot production has been upgraded
0:53 the test subjects finish test after test
1:03 the production line makes more robots
1:13 cameras are now installed in the test chambers
1:25 some of the AI are malfunctioning
1:29 robot production is down
1:39 aperture stops expanding
1:41 most of the test subjects have died
1:45 most of the robots malfunction
1:49 aperture's main power goes down
1:52 a few of the robots are still working
2:01 most of the test chambers are worn out
2:16 GLaDOS is in charge of all the robots
2:19 *redemption line*
2:26 GLaDOS loses power and the facility is down

until chell and wheatley wakes GLaDOS up again


I like how at the start where everything was working properly it was really bright and the started becoming darker as we see the machines break down


this seems like it would be an intro to portal 3 and it sounds like it too


This video makes me legitimately sad.

I think the title "Lifeless" is deliberately ironic, referring to the fact that machines are born, live, and die just as organic beings do.


I feel bad for those cleaning robots, just all stuck in a single room, doing nothing but bumping into each others.


This has only one deep meaning that i can find: nothing lasts forever


I don't know how about others, but to me, this world was pretty full of life.


I think the video tells us that everything that man believes will have an end, there will be no place where to store all this and the conclusion would be that nothing we believe will serve us after being damaged contrary to nature


I remember finding this a long time ago but I remember the first time I watched this short
This had a impact on me but I'm not sure what it is I guess no matter what everything dies even stuff without life
This gives me a vibe that literally cannot explain or express for the life of me
I really appreciate finding this though I'm not sure what else to say and honestly there isn't much more I can say


The last scene was iconic! With no life and only a fed input, creater and destroyer shall both meet their end.


I think that the animation means everything dies eventually (that was dark)
