The Best Internal Wall Insulation for Old Properties?

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How I insulated my old property with a breathable internal wall insulation.

So after years of trying out different internal wall insulation systems at my old victorian cottage (which has no cavity walls) I recently decided it was time to find a more appropriate, breathable system. After exhaustive research I came up with what I think is the perfect retrofit internal wall insulation system. In today's video I explain why I went for the SWIP system, what it's benefits are and how I got on installing it.

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0:00 Introduction
0:29 Background
2:02 External Wall Insulation
3:47 Internal Wall Insulation
6:27 SWIP IWI System
8:34 Patreon membership
9:40 Install of my IWI
9:47 Prepwork
10:07 SWIP Studs
12:49 Internal Corners
12:58 Reveals
13:36 Ceilings
14:04 Sockets & Pipework
14:24 SWIP Batt Insulation
14:58 Vapour Control Layer
16:34 Insulating the Reveals
19:22 Pricing
20:07 Subscribe to Me!



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Charlie DIYte

#internal #wall #insulation
Рекомендации по теме

Your stuff is absolutely cracking Charlie. As a young home owner you’ve saved me a fortune on showing me stuff I can do myself, and a fortune on knowing enough to tell when a tradesman is talking shite


Good to hear that a manufacturer gives good after sales and tech support.


Charlie I feel like we need more of the story of the emotional roller coaster you went through doing all this


Im in the USA and looking to add insulation to my “old” home from 1940. This is one of the best videos I’ve watched. Thanks for sharing!


Another great video Charlie. I'm doing up an old stone railway cottage in Ireland, so very much on topic.
I did dry line a wall last week in another cottage and your tip for taping the socket box is a good one and I will go back and do that.


Having just viewed a cottage that was constructed in 1803, this video was a perfect example of what I'd be looking at doing.

My plans, if we do buy, would be insulate, ventilate, make it breathable and I'm improve airtightness. Bash in solar and ASHP and it'd be lovely.


"whilst the ceiling board was, well...still a bit emotional" Haha. A nice reminder that whilst we always see Charlie in good spirits throughout his videos, there is undoubtedly many occasions of stress, swearing and no doubt some tears and feelings of hopelessness.


I might be misunderstanding what you mean, but dew point is a temperature - variable depending upon a number of factors - not a place or area.


So 10 years ago the builder did a not great job and you have built all this knowledge up since then.Well done, I had a heart failure start up instead!


This is one of the videos I’ve seen that helps you understand how to insulate an old house.


Brilliantly helpful, Charlie. Thanks for taking the time to put this together. Great work 💪


You can also add some ply in-between the OSB battens so you have a solid fixing surface all across the surface.


Sooo happy to finally see a new video from you! I’ve been visiting your channel regularly hoping to find a new one but being sorely disappointed! Keep up the good work 😊


Great update, nice to see the move away from PIR on the whole, just need to work on your foam addiction next! 😄
A note about the tapes to say that they should be pressed into place with an applicator tool to make the joints fully sealed.


Hello Charlie. Glass-and stone wool are very normal to use in Norway. You're so right when you say it's easy to use. The difference between glass wool and stone wool (how we call it in Norway) is that stone wool does not burn. It can withstand temperatures up to 1000⁰c whilst glass wool starts melting at around 500⁰c and it can burn.


This seems very common to systems prevalent in warmer parts of the world, e.g. like how Scott Brown has been doing in NZ on his channel recently. Might have to look into it myself when we get round to insulating our house 👍🏼


Just found this channel. The amount of work and effort you've put in both the build and video is next level. Thats not a small or easy job to get right and for the average DIY'er, probably proceed with caution😄


I’ll be installing this system at some point over the next few weeks. Really appreciate the video Charlie. Thank you.


I really wanted to do this with my victorian house ... but chickened out and went for the much cheaper and easier Wallrock wallpaper instead. It's still made quite a bit of a difference, although obviously nothing on this. I couldn't find a single company who would give me a sensible quote for doing the job properly - something we really need in this country.


I have done extensive research into IWI in solid wall construction as I have 130 sqm to do on an upcoming project, tbh I am absolutely sick to the teeth of reading about it and trying to decide which system to use.
The SWIP system looks promising and I may even use it myself however IMHO woodfibre boards and a lime based finishing plaster should be regarded as the benchmark, I believe it is the system that is least likely to suffer from interstitial condensation.
But every situation is different and SWIP may be totally satisfactory in many houses, certainly those is low exposure areas of the country.
