Is Dragon Ball Z Kai BETTER THAN Dragon Ball Z?

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Was the Remix that is DBZ Kai BETTER THAN The ORIGINAL that is Dragon Ball Z?

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The color pallet is a controversial topic. They both actually have pretty much the same color pallet. Kai looks the way it does because the creators wanted to bring back the original look that the show had, but due to film aging, and horrible remasters, Z has never truly looked the way it was supposed to.


Kai is a less fluffy version, I like how it gets to the point much faster, as a kid in the 90s nothing was more painful than a wasted episode of power ups and massive fluff, you’d wait 3 weeks to get 3 minutes in a fight


There needs to be a version that is 4k, uncut, no cropping, has the best color, fixed redraw issues, has all the soundtrack and dubbed versions you can pick on the fly. So if you want original music, or Faulconer you can switch so you get the best experience.
I guess Blu-ray is the closest.


I think Kai does a better dialogue bc who tf would say

"Everyone get down, take cover, get moving, Goku's gonna release the kameyameya wave"


I don't think I've ever seen someone on the Internet put together such a well thought out and reasonable explanation of their point of view without being completely toxic in some manner. You sir have a gift and I will be following your channel!
I only watched your video to kill some time and have never watched kai, I'm someone who grew up in the 90s watching the original dragonball z day by day. I'm a teacher now and kinda roll my eyes with kids talk about super but never thought of it how you mentioned their ultra instinct is our super saiyan transformation. I'll definitely be more open in future.
Thanks for the excellent review 👍


Pacing in Kai is definately much better then the original but I think that sometimes it doesnt give some room to breathe during good moments and also cuts out filler that actually helped to develop the characters. Also the redraws really are horendous, its less terrible in the cell saga or during scenes when bright ki blasts are going out but they always look so bad.


this was such a mature and non biased video. well done brother


At the end of the day, Dragon ball Z Kai gave us dragon soul. It was worth it.


Dbz Kai dub captured gokus personality right and made him sound like less super man but a warrior burning with rage when someone messed with his friends and didn't care about justice.


I remember when nicktoons aired dragon ball movies for a while. For reasons I can't comprehend, they aired the uncut versions with all the blood and swearing intact. It was such a jarring tonal shift and I loved it.


I prefer Kai even though I do love a lot of the filler in Z


OG cartoon network's Toonami DBZ was the best DBZ ever produce. Those who didn't grow up back then and see its entry have no idea of its impact. This was a time when NO anime was even being aired over here in the USA. The visual art and Bruce Faulconer score are paramount to the effect. What memories!


Crazy that I would see this video the morning after I just started rewatching Kai.

Overall, I do agree with your assessment, although I must admit I've always defended some of the filler from the original broadcast of the Buu Saga because it did improve some of the character development. (I'm thinking some of the more fleshed-out interactions between Mr. Satan and Fat Buu, and the dynamic between Goku and Vegeta post-Fusion when they were navigating Buu's stomach.)


Also another thing that they dropped the ball on regarding the Kai soundtrack is that when Yamamoto got fired, they started using the Kikuchi soundtracks and later replaced the re-run episodes with them as well (Buu Saga Kai was when they had Suitomo), problem is that they used a limited amount of kikuchi soundtracks and it was so repetitive, there’s like 5 hours worth of soundtracks to choose from and they only used like 15 tracks


As someone who SUFFERED through watching the saiyan saga on Cartoon Network back in the day, the Kai versions were SO much more enjoyable to watch.


Final Chapters was done by Toei in house while the previous Kai show was outsourced to another company.

I grew up on OG Z and that was the way for me until I decided to give Kai a shot after learning the show isn't censored on the blu ray and how it was supposedly more faithful to the manga

I never looked back


The only thing better about Kai is they changed a lot of the bad dialogue in the original . But not a fan of Kai’s gohan compared to the og .


I grew up on the original Z run on Toonami. I grew up buying the orange brick DVD releases. I grew up with all the corny speeches. And I 100% prefer the uncut edition of Dragon Ball Z Kai. I will take that any day over watching Z at this point. I still love Z for nostalgia sake, but I will always prefer a dragon Ball Z Kai


Great video. Just getting back into Dragon Ball again at 32 after growing up with it for years and honestly, its so hard to pick which out of the OG Z or Kai i prefer, they both have their redeeming qualities, you captured them both perfectly here


0:53 Tbf Kai copies the manga word for word
