How To Tell The Perfect Lie

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We all know lying is bad.. but sometimes, certain situations give you no other option. Anthony has some tips on how to make that lie more convincing than any other.

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Intricacies of Lying: False Descriptions Easier to Remember Than False Denials
"What happens when you tell a lie? Set aside your ethical concerns for a moment -- after all, lying is a habit we practice with astonishing dexterity and frequency, whether we realize it or not."

How to Tell a Lie
"As a culture, we laud truth-tellers. From an early age we're taught to revere two of our most noteworthy presidents, Honest Abe and George Washington, who could not tell a lie. What does it indicate, though, when the well-known story about the first US president coming clean after cutting down his father's cherry tree is nothing more than fiction, a bold-faced lie?"

How to Tell a Lie Without Being Caught
"Ever needed to tell a little white lie to spare somebody's feelings? Or wanted to lie as part as your April fools trick? Want to lie to your enemy as revenge or lie to your sister for a laugh? Here's how to do it and get away with it!"

Body Language Basics
"For millions of years, our early ancestors ambled on this planet, navigating a very dangerous world. They did so by communicating effectively their needs, emotions, fears, and desires with each other."

How to Lie Without Actually Telling a Lie
"We all lie sometimes, whether you're seeking to hide your true feelings about someone's fruitcake or a housing a deep, dark secret. Nonetheless, most of us don't enjoy being dishonest and you don't have to be. By utilizing misdirection, you can lead others to believe a lie without ever telling it."

How to Tell If Someone Is Being Honest
"Whether you're questioning your spouse about his whereabouts, talking to your kids about their weekend, or speaking to your boss about a raise, you need to be able to spot a liar and deal with the situation accordingly. Even the best liars make mistakes and, if you pay close attention to their involuntary actions, you can determine who's being honest and who's lying through their teeth!"

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''Lying is wrong and you should never do it... but if you're going to, here's how:"' Already thought this was really funny.


"Im a really bad lier" is the greatest lie I've ever told. It started out as a truth but began to grow into a lie.


Best way to lie is to just believe it's the truth


My parents think I'm a bad lier but it's all apart of my intricate plan, I fake lie in obvious situations and real lie in others


The worst question to ask kid is:
How was in school?

The worst lie and answer that you can get is:


for a fact i walked around school for 2 months with a homemade plaster and a fake doctors note . got away with it too until the pta meeting where my teacher asked my dad how my leg was doing. best too monts of no gym worst 3 days of constant gym ever


I don't lie to people-only tell half truths or miss "unimportant" details out.


Pretty sure the most common lie is ''I'm fine''..


By him saying "The best thing is to tell the truth"... he is already lying to his audience. Everyone lies and anyone who denys this is a liar themselves


I don't lie; I just misplace information in my head. >:)


I got myself in a really sticky situation about two years ago. I literally don’t know how I got out of it tbh but I’m really grateful. I made up a fake story in my head but I stayed as close to the truth as possible. Leaving out the key details of course. Maybe I’m a bad person lol but at least I’m a free person.


People who lie usually have higher IQ's as they can detect emotions and see through the thoughts of others which shows their intelligence.


I guess the best way to lie would be to believe your lie.


The best lie is the one that nobody finds out about. And wow, the school losing your SAT scores? I applaud you XD


"Lying is wrong". Is that a lie?


I lie sometimes, because I have narcissistic parents that rage and get mad if you say "no" or have boundaries you need respected. Telling the truth as a child sometimes got me beat up. Having boundaries as a teen lead to verbal and emotional abuse, as I was shamed and put down for having a boundary, and they would get mad if I said no. They're very narcissistic. I feel like I need to lie to my dad to get out of seeing him this weekend, cause I know I could get seriously badly triggered seeing him, and the thought of it makes me ill.


My brother is 7 and he always gets me in trouble he tells the best lies and it actually seems like he convinced himself that it's true it's like his lie is really what happened


I missed the school bus

Mom calls me

Why they hell aren't you at school

My stomach was hurting. I went to the bathroom and my Stomach was still hurting.

^ I hope that works


Lying is just acting the better actor you are the better liar...
I even have award ceremonies in my head when i pull off a complicated lie..


I know lying is bad, but I just love the rush that I get when I finally convince someone something that is completely not true. In fact it also helps with my ability to steal things ( don't worry I always give it back)
What I like to do is take something, convince the person that I don't have it, then put it back in the same spot with out them noticing
( try it sometime it is really fun)
