I Have a BEAR Problem at my Airbnb

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year supply of vitamin D3+K2 and 5 AG1 travel packs with your first

Follow along as I try and problem solve for a bear getting into my trash.

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year supply of vitamin D3+K2 and 5 AG1 travel packs with your first


Update: the bears haven't been back since I screwed some boards to the vent at the top. 🎉


The Bear: I have an Airbnb problem at my property.


You don't have a bear problem the bears have a human problem. 🤣🤣🤣


Bears have great memories for food sources, so they will keep coming back for years just to check. I dealt with them in CT and the best thing I found was ammonia. Get a gallon and put it in a garden sprayer, then spray around the trash area. The scent is very strong and they don't like it. Worked like a charm.


I live half the year in Alaska, where we deal with Bear every day. Your always going to have bear trying to break in with the opening on top. They might not be able to get in, but the right hungry bear will shread that shed apart. I would recommend having some outward facing screws on your top opening bar. Bears are smart, so it only takes one time of them getting poked to know they need to leave it alone. Might also just want to seal in the top, and just add a roof vent. Other than that it looks pretty good.


That is my truck in the Security video at 16:56!!! Wow!! We were in the Cedar Hollow and didn’t even know they were there. 😮😮 We had a phenomenal time.


Bears can smell food from MILES away, and now that they know where they can find some, they will keep coming back(not if they don't smell anything, but if they do they WILL come back). You should let your guests know to be very careful about not leaving food outside or in their vehicles. If the baby is there, mama isn't far behind and that is when you will have a big problem. They will avoid humans unless threatened, so they most likely won't approach the homes themselves, but if they smell something around the home, they'll be there to nom nom nom it up.


Up in Index, we had a Black Bear actually tear open our solid wood shed. The most important thing, I'm told, is the scent. I have since, completely sealed the shed and haven't had any more problems with Smokey. Nice build though. Those are gorgeous!


Bears! How cool! Just fyi, they do learn how to open doors and latches. I'm assuming you don't want to bother putting an actual lock on your gate latches, so, at the least I would suggest a heavy duty carabiner to keep the latch secured without the hassle of keys.


A metal bear trash can costs $1500 so he spent more money on a less permanent solution lol Classic YouTuber 🐻


I was just watching your other video about cleaning the hot tub, taking the garbage to the dump etc. and I was gobsmacked that you had no bear proof system. Then I looked at the YouTube side tabs, and saw this video. Living in the Canadian Rockies, we cannot leave any garbage outside. We have a garage in our basement so store our bins here. So yes, absolutely, you should go with a bear proof metal box. If guests need to empty their garbage out of the house, they can easily use these, hassle free. It's a no brainer investment!


Gotta keep your garbage indoors in bear country for best results. Houses are mostly sealed up and keep most smells indoors.

Any wooden shed or metal box with garbage smells will attract them.
They open latches and door knobs with ease.
Wood planks and screws will be easily ripped off.


Should’ve bought the bear boxes. Seriously. This was an exercise in negative economics bro. Keep up the passion man!✌️✌️✌️


Don't underestimate hungry bears. As they get older, they WILL figure out the latches. 😎


Definitely got my like and subscribe for that fake injury that made me cringe 🤣🤣👌🏽


For the long run, you should have bought the metal container!!! Too much upkeep on wood and will still allow the smell of garbage still wafts into the air! If the bears decide they want in, they will just rip the doors off!


Bears rip apart cars sometimes. Surely you did some research? It's only a matter of time until they figure out that latch and/or rip it or the wood apart. Just depends how hungry they are. As summer comes one, they will get hungrier. You need to nip it in the bud now. They are already becoming habituated to it. They will never stop unless you stop it now. It may be too late already honestly.


Dang you’re talented! I get you about the OCD mind. It’s really hard to let some things go. I was thinking a smaller bin and you were on the same track. What a beautiful place Devon.❤❤❤❤❤. God bless that little spider man boo bear I love him!


I love how handy you are. Great video 💞💞...
