#19 – The Anti-Humans

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History is replete with examples of leaders, nations, and empires who left a trail of blood behind them. But with the Bolshevik takeover of Russia after the First World War, something new crawled from the depths of the earth onto the surface of the world. Never before had a government shown such uninhibited savagery toward its own people, during peacetime, as a matter of policy and in the name of scientific management. After Nazi Germany was defeated in the Second World War, Stalin’s Soviet Union unleashed hell on the devastated nations of Eastern Europe, leaving behind an unmatched record of sadism and brutality.

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As an Eastern European thank you for talking about this


There is a film made by a Russian director from 1992 called "The Chekist". I was able to find a version online with english subtitles. It's one of the few films I know of that captures the hellish energy and aesthetic of the early years of the Bolshevik takeover. So many scenes of people being lined up naked and shot, so many bodies dragged out to the pile one batch after another.

If you think the behavioral psychologist anti-humans of the 20th century dried up and disappeared with the collapse of those systems, I have a bridge to sell you in New York. They've got things well-dialed in for the digital age. But always remember that there is just as much good in the world as this depraved evil, and the universe skews towards peace and quiet order, not this madness.

Thank you for this longform podcast, monsters are real.


Makes a person wonder if the Allies mixed up the paperwork on Hitler and Stalin. How the hell did the Allies think that Stalin was the better choice?


I shared this with my entire channel community with a strong encouragement to listen through its entirety. Thank you for the great work you do. Your impact will have ramifications for generations and hopefully aid us in building a better civilization by identifying and expunging evil before it rears its hideous head.


My grandfather was a German born in Kiev in 1930. His family moved to Marienburg (Northern Poland) where he grew up. He told me lots of stories, including escaping soviet prisons twice, burying his baby brother, and ambushing two soviet soldiers with an axe. I got the polish genie joke on the first wish, and my grandfather would have, too.


You know the scary part? No one in the comments even tries to refute any claim here.... Usually thats because one cannot... We fought the wrong side clearly. Our world today is exactly what the Germans said it would be if they lost.


Growing up in Canada I have many friends who are the children of immigrants.
One friend in particular, had an irrational hatred of the Soviet Union Russia in particular.
As it turns out his grandfather was murdered in the Kataime Forrest during the Second World War.
His hatred was very real and sincere and he despised them for destroying his family, and it’s that simple.


We owe them to tell their story at list. Don't let their hellish suffering be in vain. Some of us don't want or cant digest this much horror but we have to!


I've found you from your interview with Tucker.I hope you will talk about jews if you make a series about ww2. I saw many points where you were reluctant to continue or avoided completely(for obvious reasons), but now you have a new subscriber because I did appreciate the honesty in which you described Churchill. So I expect the same honesty when you describe who started the ww2 and about the holocircuses.


I knew an older Polish man named Yan in Detroit in 1992. He was the only "White" man in a halfway house for chronically mentally ill adults. I was a vocational trainer and taught janitorial skills and took the group to job sites in Detroit. Jan had an occasional wry smile, never complained, and rarely spoke. He was easily the hardest worker. He would mop a gymnasium and sweat without a word. Never missed a day. The collapse of Detroit was a walk in the park to him. I wish I could go back and really converse with him.


The tortures near the end sound like something straight out of the Talmud.


The League of Militant Godlessness never conceded defeat. God help us.


Just found this page through recommendations and noticed from the comments this guy was on Tucker. In addition to exploring Martyr Made's work, I'd recommend the excellent young lad "Zoomer Historian" for similar WWII content and Apostolic Majesty for expanding a Paleoconservative view on history beyond WWII. Academic Agent is my go-to for understanding classical right-wing philosophy. The point is to set aside emotion and analyze the rationale, rather than leaning on name-calling like so many do today. You don't have to agree with all the conclusions.


It's refreshing to find someone who is willing to talk about history no matter how uncomfortable and unpopular it may be for most people. I just want the truth no matter how brutal it is.


I'm halfway through this and I'm nauseous. Will finish, but I'll probably feel guilty eating for the next week.


In all seriousness, how do we/did we expect a generation capable of perpetuating world war 1 and 2 would create a world order we still follow today and think it’s a good idea. I’m blown away by the true history of Europe that Americans aren’t taught and we wonder why the world is in chaos, cause it never left chaos it was veiled in amnesia


Wow. This one is intense. Thank you for all your work on these podcasts. These are invaluable lessons from history.

There is no such thing as winning a war. If you have to fight one, you already lost.


I’ve heard of most of these things before but never contextually in a way that describes the scale, scope and heinousness that went on for so long. And this explains the way later events play out all the way to the Bosnian, Serbs/
Russian, Chechens. A whole region of the earth whose psyche, mentality and behavior was violently shaped by industrialized murder. Listening to this is difficult.. and should be mandatory in every 12th grade classroom. Thank you


After listening this podcast and others like it. I scratch my head and wonder how anyone could think socialism should tried again anywhere. It is the universal that given time all of the nations that try this form of governance with devolve to barbarism.


I’m just passed 23:50, God help us if these communists ever seize absolute power again
