No MatPat, YOU Are Wrong About Toad! (Game Theory Response)

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MatPat released a new theory on Toads, what they are and how they reproduce. This is my response!

Written, voiced & edited by me

Thumbnail by LadySophie17

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Yeah. A lot of people tend to forget that animals mimicking the appearance of plants is not an uncommon occurrence. The most well known examples being insects such as orchid mantises *(or mantises in general), * katydids, and stick bugs. Heck, even reptiles and amphibians have gotten in on it like the leafy-tailed gecko or the Vietnamese mossy frog.


Very informative video! I think the Toads being animals rather than "just" mushrooms is what makes them more interesting to think about as characters and as a species. Likewise with the Piranha Plants not being actual plants. Looking forward to more of your Mario analyses!


As a fan of the three theorist channels, this is a REALLY good debunk.
I honestly completely forgot that toads, piranha plants, and other mario characters had bones. I thought this was gonna be one of those videos where the person speaking is just ranting about Mat and his team and how they always get everything wrong, but you actually went out of your way to research even more and make a respectful and simple video! Good job.


I gotta say, throwing out there that the Toad species page on the Mario wiki does, in fact, have a list of every color of Toad, right after MatPat had said how much work went into figuring that out, was hilarious. That's gotta burn at least a little.


1. I thoroughly enjoyed the opening disclaimer. Shows how you understand their channel and appreciate good discourse.

2. A very good dissection of the case with great presentation. Great counterpoints!

3. It would have been nice to link the Miyamoto interview because taking your word is as good as taking MatPat’s word. If that video was quoted for gain, we need the full context to determine how to validate your interpretation as well.


I am guessing there are some people in the comments defending matpat just because they are huge fans, but the thing is that in a previous game theory episode matpat admitted fully that he himself doesn't believe most of his theories, they are just meant to give people something to think about. Great video, and I love the channel icon, short, simple, effective.


I love this, I've always headcanoned Toads as being mammals that are related to humans, they just evolved to look like mushrooms. Nice to see that there’s some actual evidence to support that!


Great video! Matpat making up a statement based on an existing one because it contradicts him will always be funny. Most of the mistakes seems to come from random ignorance of spin-offs, only to re-use them later to make a point (the "Toadette is the first non-identical Toad" and reproduction points notably)

Also, "the storks payed them a visit" is one hell of an innuendo


After watching the video of matpat roasting a food sciencist out for debunking him for a 20 secs clip, *OH BOY*


I think the main issue with this theory is that MatPat is saying that toads gender is based on its color, right... But then he says that the type of mushroom they are is due to the color being white with red spots?


Good video, still think it’s funny he mentions Toads need to be evolved mushrooms but then proceeds to treat them like they need to mate like animals anyways.


Please make another video like this, the Mario fandom needs more people like you.


Imagine having a channel with ove 10 million subscribers and getting outsmarted by a channel with just over 1000


Most matpat theory videos do this… usually quite narrow-minded. Missing out the obvious contradictions in order to make a compelling theory…


Very nice video. Good to see you making videos again Miku!


I've had a pretty elaborate theory about the Toads for a long time, so I'm going to say it here. The key to what Toads are is found in Mario & Luigi Partners in Time. In this game, the mushroom-like alien Shroobs invade the Mushroom Kingdom and begin harvesting Toads for their "vim", a green substance used to make their spaceships operate. Now, this seems like a really bizarre coincidence, don't you think? Why should a substance found in Toad bodies be able to produce starship fuel for a random alien species? How did the Shroobs even know about this?

Shroobs also show numerous times that they are capable of manipulating the biology of other organisms to turn them into their "shroobified" minions.

In short, my theory is this: The Mushroom Kingdom is actually the future of Earth - after being terraformed (fungiformed?) by the Shroobs. Toads are Shroob-modified humans: infected by a parasitic fungus that stunts their growth, makes them subservient in demeanor (the better to harvest them), suppresses their natural secondary sexual characteristics (so that they are forced to rely on the fungus to assist in their reproduction, ensuring that the human child is properly infected), and uses their bodies to produce vim.

The Shroobs likely have many such worlds, which they periodically harvest vim from - presumably the Mushroom World (formerly Earth) is at the very fringes of their empire, so it has not been harvested in some time, and because it has not been harvested often it still has enough resources to make it appealing as a new homeworld.

Mario and the other non-Toad humans of the Mushroom Kingdom are simply individuals who have a rare genetic immunity to the fungus' infection. It is probable that they form a noble class, but it might also be possible that Toad parents could, in rare circumstances, produce non-Toad human offspring.

Bonus theory: Warp pipes are made using Toad vim. It can power interstellar starships and is green when extracted. Think about it.


I think this has been the friendliest debunking video I've ever seen, no hint of anger just a fun attitude.


Every time Matpad makes a Mario theory he's always so wrong about it (by example, his awful theory of Mario being an asshole) thank you so much for this video, you earned mu sub man, I really hope Matpad sees your video


Great work as always! This is the type of stuff we need


I feel the issue with matpats theory is he was so tunnel visioned on the mushroom part of the theory he was brushing over lots of the Mario facts. The funniest part is in the interview he used about comparing mushrooms to toads they distinctly say toadette is a girl xD
