Only A Few People On Earth Know About It | Robert Edward Grant

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What if esoteric wisdom about the nature of consciousness and reality itself was encoded into ancient structures like the pyramids? This is no longer conjecture, as mathematical equations rule out the possibility of coincidence. Polymath Robert Edward Grant is a wealth of knowledge in a great many fields, and this conversation was truly mind blowing on so many levels. 

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🔈 CREDITS :   Script Writing And Voice Over By inner self Team 

🔈 CREDITS :  William Li

🔈 CREDITS :  Stock Footages Are Commercially Licensed From Story blocks

🔈 CREDITS :  Music Is Commercially copyrighted free

🔈 CREDITS :  Edited By inner self  

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- I just want to let anyone who’s reading this comment know. I wish you great success, health, love and happiness! ✨


People evolve the most during struggles. It causes us to learn what works or what doesn't.


This video gave me such a big smile! So much amazing information packed in and explained clearly! Yes, yes, yes!!! LOVE is the ONLY answer! And we must stop looking at others and go within 🙌 The cross & inner cristos actually physically exists in the centre of our brains were our nerves cross. Thank you for helping to explain that the duality consciousness is coming back into harmony, as everything always does 🙌 Sending love, light and blessings to all you beautiful souls 💖💫😇🙏🙌


If people begin to love their neighbors half as much as they love them self this world would be a much better place


The holy war is the war inside ourselves. Choose love, we all come through eventually ❤


Robert Grant has such a beautiful voice 😊


Hope every watching and reading this find happiness, love, health, wealth, and great success!!!


That’s such a great message .. thank you, we are in a process of learning and evolving, it’s difficult and it’s easy, it’s dry and wet … we must find a perspective that allows us to go on
And grow …
Never give up, Spirit is in charge…


Love this guys teaching, it commands your undivided attention for your and our betterment.


This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my YouTube channel 9 months ago about self development. Now I have 1, 527 subs and > 1, 000 hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I could haven’t learned without getting started in the 1st place.


Thank you Robert Edward Grant! Such an awesome teacher 💜


Where is the rest of this video??? This is more then enlightening this is unnameable!! Thank you for sharing!!


You have made me cry as I’m walking down the street in queens New York
I have never heard anything that I tell the first time understood so profoundly and somethings so short, but this is something that I need to listen to every day started decipher them break them down. Who is it? No where is it? Thank you tell the bottom of my heart I am so grateful and oh my goodness I’m still crying because your words are facts


What you resist will persist.. one ❤️ love


You're the best of the best sir. All is great. You're a gifted person. Thank you for the reinforcement. I can feel Gods' energy within you. We're all Ananda, happiness is ourselves.🌞🌎🌙🙏


❤️ finally... truth 🙏 thank you... gratitude Sending Love and light to ALL....


Hello Robert thank you so much for this information. This information is the most important information. I have been going through a lot in my life and I have been around to observe all that happens to each and everyone of us. The throat chakra gives me mental process that we all go through, but I now get it. it absolutely etched on my forehead. Awareness, understand and using this knowledge is the key.
As a young human being I am grateful for all the work you do. The more you spread this light, the better this world will be. In fact I can see we are having a great shift in our hearts and mind.


This just made my day…with heartfelt thanks…so spot on🙏♥️🙏🙏♥️


Yes this is beautiful.
We are one and I Love You!
