If You Want To SEE THE BALL Better, WATCH THIS!!

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In today's video, Coach Justin from Ultimate Baseball Training shows you 3 major keys to seeing the ball better on the field. If you want to see the ball better, apply these tips now!

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Repent Jesus Christ is coming soon……….


This is so interesting, I love how you made in game tweaks to help with seeing the ball better, and drills outside of that too. Love the ideas! Can't wait to try them out in game.


This has been a problem for me lately, this will definitely help, thank you


Going to use this during spring season! You may just be a genius. I will let u know how it goes in a few months.


Love your channel! Your my softball coach in the offseason!


What would be the best time to do that. Like right before your bp?? Or at home?


Great advice! This stuff works with darts, pool, volleyball, baseball, etc... Thanks!


Dude... that's El Pomar in Colorado Springs!


thank you so so much for the tips becouse its hard to bat, i used-to be super duper good at bating but then its bin a little wiell and i wasnt good no more so thank you much. he should get a lot of likes huu guy?


This is interesting because these drills are similar to those described by Bates in his heretical book on living without eye-glasses. Bates claimed that by regular eye exercises the human eye would reset itself to a state of maximum performance that would last a lifetime.
Bates also talked about the relationships between the consumption of food that could be converted to and stored as beta-carotene: carrots, yellow and orange vegetables, and fish oils, and the competition for the Vitamin A produced from that stored beta-carotene, the competition between the eyes and the skin for that Vitamin A.
You need Vitamin A to see well because Vitamin A kind of lubricates the focusing mechanism of the eye. And if you have skin conditions like acne those skin conditions will affect your eyesight because they will deplete your available Vitamin A.
What I would like to add to this discussion on the importance of "seeing the ball" is this: The human eye has more than one vision system. Good baseball players employ multiple vision systems playing baseball. For example, an outfielder throwing the ball to third base to cut down a runner uses a vision system to put his throw on the bag. I contend that an outfielder using the proper vision system to make the throw has a better arm than a long-tossing outfielder who can peg the ball a mile. Using vision to make the throw always puts the ball right on the bag.
Did you know you have a vision system that permits you to see what is directly in front of you and also see what is behind you at the same time? I learned that in high school, general science, freshman year. I used it to look at the catcher's signs. I never got caught because I was always looking straight out at the pitcher while I was seeing the catcher's signs that were behind me. I stopped doing it because I learned how to read the tells on the ball as it left the pitcher's hand. Looking at the signs was interfering with the vision system I used to track the flight of the ball and to "clock" its speed. It was more important for me to use the vision system that would tell me the speed, location, and movement on the ball than it was to know the catcher's signs.
If you have any questions about this just ask and I will try to answer.


Man, this was a great video. I could never put my hands on exactly what it was I used to do to concentrate. I was an extraordinary hitter and had extraordinary Focus but I couldn't put my finger on it when I go to explain it to my son. How I was so confident in the game of baseball. Whit becoming one with the bat and the ball and this is part of the process. That I always did? But couldn't really figure it out how to explain it to somebody. Great stuff, man. Definitely going to give this to my son. To exercise to relax his mind. To gain Focus and to be an extraordinary hitter


Too much, Dominicans just watch the ball, swing, and that it


cricket players can learn a lot from this


As someone that casually hardly ever swung & missed, this is quality advice I wish I had 20 years ago.. I never had power but even without training I almost always made contact.


Have been taking Justin's advice on how to see the ball better and using it with my son.  Guess what ... IT WORKS!  Baseball is a game of  small percentages.  Anything that can give a batter just a 5% edge is BIG.  Or, as Trump would say, "Huge!"


Excelent!!! Sometimes we forget something as basic as having a healthy vision, first to excercise a lot. Thank you for the video!


What I did is that I had different color balls. Didn't matter if it was a baseball, or tennis ball, or orange golf ball. I would toss it (softly) while having the kids in a batters stance. They would not swing, but had to yell the color of the ball.


Thank you so much for helping improve my game I play on one of the best 11umteams in Mississippi and need every little thing to help keep my game so good thank you


Hey, can you do a timing video? I've been having trouble timing my swings.
