High school tips you NEED to know #shorts

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As someone currently in highschool who had a cursh on a red flag at the start of my frist year can comfrim "don't date someone you don't want to end up like" solid advice


I never dated, but I had friends who did so I learned from watching their relationships.


These are all very good tips. High school is so tough... anything helps! You are like the older sister I never had. Thank you so much <33


You go through a lot of friends in high school normally so don't be afraid to cut friends off if they are toxic. I've had to do this with people. Me and my friends sat in a classroom with some other people during lunch but they were really rude and toxic so we decided to sit somewhere else. I had a friend who was toxic and I didn't know how toxic she was until her bf told me and my friends about her then I started to notice other red flags we cut her off.


Sucking up to teachers is the most useful thing ever. Your grades will be every be better. That AP class I was not qualified to take as a freshman? Barely passed because I was one of teacher's favorite students. That test grade from 2 months ago that was hurting my grade? Fixed. That 79 stopping me from exempting the final? 80.
Suck up to your teachers.


Just be yourself, don’t try to get in trouble to look cool(everyone around you will just make fun of you while you’re in ISS), don’t try to be the peppy girl or ‘everyone loves me’ guy(because of the same reason as before). If you’re like that naturally that’s fine but kids WILL be able to tell if you’re trying to act like that to get people to like you. I’m the senior that all the admin and teachers like, the senior that doesn’t seem all there and you wonder why admin loves them. Im the only girl in a computer security class. I’m not really made fun of (other than by my friends, but I rip on them too) because I’m just being myself and don’t bother people just to get a rise out of them. The last time someone made fun of me I was the new kid and they learned quickly that it didn’t bother me. And to freshmen the seniors but be annoyed at you and you’ll understand why when you’re a junior and senior but we would RAISE HELL if someone(especially someone older) was actually making you uncomfortable.


As someone graduating in 2 months this very important lol

Lol love your stuff


I have no plans on dating in high school because most likely I will not end up marring them


Stay hydrated! If you’re anything like my school, your air-conditioning will go out randomly in the summer. Staying hydrated will make sure you could survive that a little bit better.

another thing that I noticed was you may think everybody is constantly judging you, but they’re really not. It is just your head trying to stab you with a stick.


Also, if you're a freshman and an upperclassmen, aka senior flirts, or has their eyes on you, ignore them, they'll make you feel good at first but the red flags come in after a week.


If ur a girl: get a shit ton of pads, tampons EVERYTHING like that and keep them in ur lockers. Girls will love u


My high school in general fills me with anxiety there is kids who have been taken out of school by the police and RAN FROM THEM. People make fun of people with mental disabilities. Oh your in the corridor? Duck. Anything and everything that can be thrown might be thrown so watch out! Any tea will most likely be on your socials so check them a lot unless you want to miss it.
There is more tips from my school but it would become the length of my English teachers expectations in a test.


what if everyone picks on you bc your short asking for a friend ( me)


Starting senior year next in August
Never had friends.


dating in high school is important so you can learn to identify red flags


Why does she kinda look like Hayley Kalill


Adding onto the bit about sucking up to your teachers: even just conversing with them slightly every so often, and asking them about their day whenever you see them and stuff can get you on their good side. However don’t use that as an excuse to goof off, use it in emergency cases such as needing an extension on something important


My trick to get a lot of teachers to like you is make a cake for a project. I hate book reports so I asked my English teacher if I could make a cake and decorate it based on the book and give an oral report instead and the rest is history lol it also got me out of class for like an extra 20 minutes because I made sure to make a cake that was to big for just my class so that I could run around and give some to other teachers, staff or friends. I swear I made at least 16 cakes in 5 years, my mom loved this though lol we would always make the cakes together so it gave us a lot of one on one time. Another thing was I brought big bags of candy on holidays and passed them out to who ever wanted some, easy way to meet new people and I had fun with kids from other grades because I would make them say my name to get some, it was fun because if they didn't know my name they would ask my friends with me, who would never tell and normally find me later to yell my name at me lol


Ty for this I'm about to go in to high-school
