How to 180° & 360° on inline skates (also fakie) – Triskates & Urban Skates – Inline Adv. I #01

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► Description:
In this video we will learn together how to "180°" and how to "360°" on triskates, urban skates, freeskates, rollerblades and fitness skates. All jumps, leaps and air we will also learn by doing them fakie. These are rotating jumps while skating backwards. We will also learn the best body posture and feet position for doing jumps and rotated jumps like the 180°, 360°, 540°, 720°, 900° and so on.

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► Pleasure Tool Frame 110mm
► Undercover 110mm Pro Wheels Dustin Werbeski
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Filmed By:
► Yvonne Schmidle
► GoPro Hero 6 Black

► Feiyu G5 3-Axis Splash-Proof Handheld Gimbal

Used Music:
► Intro:
Jingle Punks - In the Land of Rhinoplasty

► Background:
Joakim Karud - Halloween Funk
Music by Joakim Karud:

► Outro:
Jo Cohen & BQ - Glowing At Night [NCS Release]

► How to 180° & 360° on inline skates (also fakie) Triskates, Urban Skates & Fitness Skates How to 180° & 360° on inline skates (also fakie) – Triskates & Urban Skates – Inline Adv. I #01
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I'm glad to see that the mural which I have painted is finally getting some exposure.


Nice tutorial, thanks. I will just add a simple tip. It is very useful to also practice jumps in skates on the grass, if you are afraid to start practicing on the asphalt at first. It will help to get confidence.


This helped me tremendously with the process. I like the head and shoulders over the leading leg. It was good advice.


Firstly, congratulations on the first tutorial of the year! I hope to see many more from you this year, including videos outside of tutorials. As for you intro, I am very impressed. Aside from some word choices in your sentences, you sound almost fluent, which I find nothing wrong in the slightest. I am from Toronto after all and there are many individuals here who have similar habits. I feel that your choices make it more authentic and “you”. As for the tutorial in itself, I watched the original one and compared it to the new one and I must say better in all aspects, hands down. I even noticed that your own technique and confidence have improved as during the spins with the cones you didn’t even hesitate or have that very small slow down right before the jump. All in all I’m excited what the future holds for your vids.


Daniel, your videos are always a pleasure ! Iam too old to jump like you but I will start with 180's . 👍.


Your tutorials are always easy to learn 👌🙌🏼


🤪🤪🤪mi gira la testa bravissimo ottimo Tutorials 👍


Thanks for the video! I got dizzy just watching though.


this is one of the best channel to learn skating. i recently discovered your channel and i love it. P.S. you look a lot like Varun Dhawan (he is a Bollywood star i.e. Indian)


I think you are doing a great job, keep going., Congrats!!!


Hi, great tutorial Daniel. Now it's time to practice, xd. Thxs dude


Hey man, great video! I've picked up my dad's old skates a week ago (I am 22 now, have skated from like 8 till 11 yo) and I really enjoy it again. I have a question for you. I can do 180s and starting to learn 360, but I am way better at doing a 180 turning left, then turning right. When I'm pumping the mini ramp, I always turn left and never turn right, because I am nog yet able to do that very well. But when I get out it the ramp or on top of it after like 10 pumps or turns, I notice that I get a bit dizzy. Do you know this problem? Is it because I'm only turning one way, or is it just my bad lungs? Do all skaters only have one side they like to turn(I believe in this video I only saw you turning right), or do I just have to get comfortable with also turning right? I hope you understand my question. Thanks again, and keep on the good work, because your videos allready helped me a lot! Greetings from Amsterdam!


I can all of this looking forward to buy agressive inline


Nice.. Checked out a few of your tutorials, subbed 👍


Your lessons are fantastic.
By the way, how long have you been skating? How often do you skate?


i watched your older videos and hv been practising, i find the fakie 360 really hard, i can't seem to find the force or energy to jump, hmmm let me try harder soon!


I get dizzy when jumping and practicing dry is it normal ?


It's so weird to see him not wearing skates 😅


Has anyone ever told you that you bear a striking resemblance to Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four?
