Have you ever...? English Conversation Questions

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50 questions beginning with Have you ever….?
ESL Conversation Starters for English Speaking Practice.

NOTE: These questions are intended for ADULT ESL learners though most of the questions are also suitable for teenagers.
These questions are at an INTERMEDIATE level of English and are a great way to practice the perfect tense.

We have a set of these questions available as Flash Cards that can be used in the classroom:

I created these cards to get students speaking in class. Also these conversation questions can be used at any event to break the ice.

#ConversationQuestions #SpeakEnglish #EnglishConversation

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- Rob Woodward
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Вам тоже это видео училка отправляет?😂


Sometimes I have talked more than 2 hours with my dad or mom, I miss to them a lot😭.
I have never slept in a tent, but is one of my big wishes, and to be singing in the night with a bonfire, It would be a great experience!!!


18. Yes, I have. It happened when I fought with somebody and after I felt guilty.
19. No, i haven't.
20. Yes, in primary school. It was a contest where I won a cassette player.
21. No, I haven't.
22. Yes, I have. When I was 14 years old at the Black Sea. I went into the water and the waves took me from away where my parents were. The waves didn't take me in the offing, but the waves carried me along the waterfront/seashore.
23. No, I haven't.
24. Yes, because I wanted to seem older.
25. No, I haven't.
26. No, I haven't.
27. Yes, I have. In the past, I sang in front of the mirror.
28. Yes, I have.


good video. It's helpful when I want to improve my spoken English before I give up.


1. No, I've never been on TV.
2. No, I've never broken any bones.
3. It seems to me that I do that constantly.
4. No, poor creatures... I can't bear to think of that.
5. Yes, sometimes I do that, and I feel terribly uncomfortable at such moments.
6. Well, I think that such extreme not for little beauty girls.
7. Don't know, maybe.
8. To tell more I can remember not a single gift that I do liked ever.
9. Very very long ago being a teenager, then I got married and happy life ended.
10. Never, it's impossible for me to fall asleep at uncomfortable position


Yes i have fell in love with my husband
I have made my mother cry when. I left my contry to come live with my husband


yes i have broken my bone.when i gone to the lab and came inside the classroom some of the childrens fell in my shoulder and i told to my mom that my shoulder is aching too much and my mom took me to the hospital and the doctor tooked a x-ray and he told that my shoulder was broken


6. Yes, I dit it when I was in highschool. I wasn't nervous, but I was a little bit afraid.
7. Yes, I have ofen said "yes".
8. Yes, I've received many gifts that I didn't like. For example, in my 18th anniversary I received a oldfashioned bag.
9. No, I haven't. But when I go in vacation to the Black Sea I always get up early in the morning to see the sunrise.
10. No, I haven't. But sometimes I close my eyes to relax my mind for about 5 minutes.
11. No, I haven't.
12. No, I haven't .
13. I have never sang or speaking in public because I have emotions and I can't control them.
14. Yes, I've fallen in love with my husband.
15. Yes, I've been to many weddings. In 2016, I was to my cousin's wedding.
16. Yes, it was a horible experience. It happened last year at about 2 a.m. and I was alone home. At that hour I was awake and suddlenly I heard a loud sound then I standed up for bed, I started to scream and I sat under the frame door.


1.No, I've never been on TV before, but I wish that'll happen.
2. No, fortunately I haven't broken a bone in my life.
3. Yes I have. It's so embarrassing that I don't even want to share it.
4. Yes, back when I'm an intern in a livestock farm, once in a while, we go for horseriding.
5. Yes. It was my husband's birthday. I was so busy that I totally forgot about it.
6. Yes, I'm still in college and on that day, I finished my report really late in school. So there were no buses anymore by the time I went out, and the only choice I had, was to hitchhiked. And I'm really nervous at that time. But I had no other choice.
7. Oh yes. A lot of times, especially when I'm nervous.
9.When I'm watching Korean dramas. I keep thinking about what will happen next. So I can't help myself pressing the next button.
10. It's one of those classes that I wish I could just evaporate and go somewhere cozy because it's so boring.


Several times I have had hiccups, especially when I have eaten spicy food.


Yes, i had broken bones
Because i fall the my motorbicle
No, i've ride horse.
But i want


Yes, i have fallen in love with Jaeden Martell (American actor)😊😍.. i live in india and i also working hard in my studies to get admission in American university so that i can meet Jaeden😊❤..


yes i have been in a tv . i was been in tv at 2017.because we went to exhibition and there they are taking video .so they were asking is the exhibition nice


no, i have not forgotten anyones birthday i know all my families birthday


yes, i have fell asleep in class because i was fever and it was in high temperature


1.No, I haven´t.
2.No, I haven´t.
3.No, I haven´t.
4.Yes, I have. I´ve ridden a hourse twice.
5.Yes, I have. I´ve forgotten my sister´s birthday, she was angry.
6.No, I haven´t.
7.Yes, I have.


❤ had the same issue with this one last night to see what happened with this one recently demanded it?


yes, when i was in bombay we have gone to shirdi and coming back home at that time suddenly a lorry came in a speed and the driver was my father.when we were coming from shirdi to home it was night my father cant see anything in night because he has night blindness.so the lorry crashed the car and the headlight was gone . but nothing happened to anyone


no, i have ever done anything stupid that i later regretted.


no, i have ever stayed awake all night and waiting for sunrise
