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Atheism is the lack of a belief in a god or gods. We'll focus on monotheism here, since it's more prevelant.

We do not claim to know for certain that god does not exist, but are simply unconvinced that he does. We view god as an unfalsifiable hypothesis, much like elves or goblins.

Since god is not immediately apparent to any of our senses, evidence of him is needed if we are to give the idea of his existence any credence at all.

The primary assertion of atheism is not neccessarily that "there is no god," but rather, "there is no good evidence for a god." And until evidence of a god is presented, we will be atheists.

The beauty of nature is not evidence of god, unless the ugly aspects of nature such as disease, famine, rape and death are evidence against god. Atheists view nature as lacking conscious planning, and thus see both it's beauty and it's ugliness as incidental.

The bible, the koran, someone's personal sense of god--these things are not evidence, but articles of faith. Faith is the opposite of evidence. In fact, the very definition of faith is "belief without evidence"--which is what many atheists are really against.

But even these non-evidence-based beliefs wouldn't be a problem if they didn't influence societal opinions and attitudes and negatively affect public policy and our political discourse. With that said, it should be noted that not all atheists have qualms with other people's religiosity, but many do take issue with it for the very reasons I detailed moments ago.
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When did Slim Shady start making atheism videos


The points made in this video probably go right over any religious person's head.


Putting this video at 1.5 speed makes it sound like the things you hear at the end of a commercial.


TJ could give Eminem a run for his money.


This is a fantastic definition of what atheism is. As a Christian, I truly appreciate someone who knows what they believe and can articulate it well.


Damn... you should work at a Auction house!


Arguing with the religious is like playing chess with a Pigeon... No matter how good you are, the Pigeon will knock the pieces over, crap on the board and strut around like it's victorious.


its true i was a practicing christian for 20 years. I went to church and was part of the community. When i was in college i started studying the bible and christian theory. I was horrified to learn what my religion for based on and all of the terrible ways it affected people and the world at large. After i became atheist i continued to study the bible but the more i learned about it, the more i realized what a crock it was.

Reading the bible made me an atheist, go figure.


Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned.


Perfect, just perfect! That's exactly what I needed, now I know I'm definitely what you have just described and I'm really glad that that is the definition of an Atheist because those are my exact beliefs! I really like your videos and I think you make great points in each one. My only advice or tip is that you shouldn't always feel the need to swear in each video in order to get your point across! I swear a lot as well but only because of the influence from my friends :/ Keep making videos!


I like your analogy with Santa Claus. I think part of the reason many people use the term "agnostic atheist" is because of the overwhelming misconceptions about what atheism and agnosticism actually are. Atheism is NOT being certain there is no god. But a large % of people think this. At the same time, agnosticism is not complete indifference or apathy towards having a belief/non-belief in god. So the term is required for others to actually understand many atheist's stance on the topic.


The definition of faith is belief without evidence. If you have faith, you do not have evidence. If you have evidence, you do not have faith.


Marriage being a commitment doesn't exempt it from being an evolutionary concept.

Many marriages weren't even carried out with mutual commitment in mind. In Feudal Europe, marriage was used primarily to join powerful families, without the active interest of those being forced into the marriage.


"Considering the fact that nobody can objectively claim that no Gods exists". But some people DO claim this. They claim they know, for certain, that no god exists. Those people are "non-Agnostic Atheists", or Gnostic Atheists.

And a lot of people DO claim that they know, for certain, that a god DOES exist.

What's so hard for you to understand here?

There are those who don't have a belief in god, and don't claim to know whether one exists or not (Agnostic Atheist). There are those who (cont)


Well that confuses me, because Buddha himself said "I can not say whether there is a god, no god or not a not-god. But I can tell you how to obtain enlightenment" Buddha thought that belief in gods was a source of suffering. He taught a particular path of consciousness that is a form of detached compassion.


6/12 “Non-theism is the blanket term. Atheism is a very specific form of non-theisms. Atheism is not a blanket term at all.”
You can say that all you want, but the definition of these words prove otherwise, as does the etymology.
“Atheisms a subset of non-theism, non-theism divides into many groups, one is the atheists.”
Same thing as above.


This also brings me to another reason, why do atheists claim that in the absence of a deity the universe was formed from nothing. But doesn't simple philosophy show that something can only be formed by a being or conscious entity already in existence?


I find this "good news" to be akin to hearing that everybody has been diagnosed with cancer, invisible, unprovable cancer that we should base our morals and politics on avoiding.


You said: "The world has been in existence for about 6000 years. In that time, people from different places have developed a different skin color to better suit their environment."

How can you say that without having a reason to say it?


More? 4. Solomon described a "cycle" of air currents two thousand years before scientists "discovered" them. "The wind goes toward the south, and turns about unto the north; it whirls about continually, and the wind returns again according to his circuits" (Ecclesiastes 1:6). More?
