I Paid Designers On Fiverr To Create A Mobile App Icon

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How do you choose your mobile app icon?

Last week I ran a fun little experiment: I hired 3 separate designers from fiverr to create an icon for my app.

I paid the first designer $5, the second designer $20, and the third designer $80.

Check out the video to see the results.

Maybe this info can help you in the future if you need to hire a freelancer.
Рекомендации по теме

Which icon did you end up using? I've been wanting to create a calendar/planner based on a self help principled that I've had success with. Would you support the idea of hiring out the development of the app on fiverr?


Do you think it’s possible that if you push your app to thousands of people... The developer of the app… Could put a hidden key logger or spyware on there, or back door of somekind… in the Applications?? My clients data is of the most importance ... And I don’t want to ruin my pre-existing company… And I cannot put them at risk for a security breach... could you please give me some insight on this question? Because these app designers are very affordable… But it may come with a security risk that I do not see as I am not an app designer?


let me know if you need any professional app icon. i will send you my portfolio if you want. Thanks.
