Examining the Trinity, Part 3: The Existence of the Logos Disproves the Trinity

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This is so beautiful, it's perfection. ✝️🛐
I love what I listen to
Truth is what I hear


You certainly have cleared many contradictions which have the ability to confuse one. I appreciate your thorough explanations for each topic which presents guesting to its authenticity.thankyou.


Trinity is so complicated and illogical that most trinitarians dont understand it. They just fall back on the "mystery"


i can see why you were an in demand speaker. the most academic of studies, u really do a wonderful job explaining it.


Good gracious. God bless you. Thank you, Father, in Jesus' name.


I love this deep look into this subject!!


You Sir just have a way of explaining something so complex in such a manner that anyone can grasp it. Well done. This video should be 'the' guide for anyone who faces this question


WOW. Thank you for that video, I have been thinking about that very subject over the last 6 months and had reached some of the same conclusion, you have crystals in my mind Thank you, thank you, Thank you, Tony Joyce, from Dublin, Ireland.


That just blew my mind. I sat here with sparks flying out of my head as you described Jehovah out of this universe and time. I've been trying to get my head around the trinity/no trinity thing for about 3 or 4 years now. Nothing made sense. Nothing added up. How could they see and speak with Jehovah when no one had seen the Father. Jesus is the bridge!☺️🥳💥


That was very enjoyable!! I come from the same background and share these beliefs. Thank you for making it easy and clear to understand.


Oh, I am so happy to see someone explain what I have come to believe! My JW daughter will still shun me but my Christian son, who thought that when I wouldn't believe the trinity that I was denying Christ's Divinity, can rest easily and not worry. Thank you!


This is probably the most comprehensive explanation against the Trinity, but in the end it is just a convoluted way to try to explain away the fact that Jesus always existed in the Father therefore making Him eternal just as the Father, making Him as much God as the Father, there are really only two categories God (that encompasses more than we will ever grasp this side of heaven) and creation, all created things visible and invisible All things were created by Him and for Him (Jesus) so if He is not a thing, He is God.


Brother Eric, this is awesome! You have explained things in a way that makes sense above any other explanation of Father and Son!


Silly question, but I'll ask anyway. Have you read Acts 5 dealing with Ananias and Saphira. Peter accused Ananias of lying to the Holy Spirit. How do you lie to a force? To the wind or rain, or electricity? At the end of his accusation, Peter sums up by saying, "You have not lied to men but to God." Peter equated lying to the Holy Spirit as lying to God.

So, far from being a construct of the Roman Catholic church, the Trinity is part of the Bible, even through the WORD was constructed later.

John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was WITH God and the Word Was God.." Now, connect the first three verses of John 1 to Isaiah 44:24.
OH.... and THE verse that so many miss the full implication of. Matt 28:19 pertaining to baptism. The key word is NAME (singular) *Baptizing in the NAME of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit* . The same linguistic situation is found in Genesis 2 Where God says, "Let Us make man in our *IMAGE* . After our *LIKENESS"* (Plural pronoun but singular object). Not IMAGES but IMAGE. Not LIKENESSES but LIKENESS.

The Holy Spirit can be grieved. The Holy Spirit can teach. There is a verse that speaks of the mind of the Spirit. An IMPERSONAL FORCE does NOT have a mind.

After decades of WT indoctrination, it's not as easy to separate yourself from certain doctrines. I've 'studied' with JW's and it took me a bit to unthink what they taught. You've had it INBEDDED in your brain. Best thing to do in that case is get yourself a Strong's Concordance and look up HOLY SPIRIT. PROVE IT to yourself, for sure. One way or the other.


Instinctively, I've always known this. Thank you for this explanation! It resolves a lot of questions.


I had the name debate with a family member and then I remembered that I have an Aunt and her name Is Dolores, however as a child, I had a slight speech impediment so I called her Aunty Loris (which was no doubt easier for me). She never corrected me I explained as she knew who I was referring to when I said "Loris!" I made the point that it is reasonable to conclude our loving Heavenly Father would know to whom we were referring whenever we may mispronounce his name, as doing so would be in line with his supremely loving nature.


I have a ton of issues with your reasoning, but let me just tackle one. It is possible for Jesus to be subordinate to The Father, and also still be equal in power and authority to Him. For example, when I was a child I was subordinate to my father because I lived in his house. Now I’m an adult. Yet, if my father asks me to do anything for him, I will do it. I consider myself subordinate to him, not because I am not his equal in power and authority, but because of the loving relationship that we have.


Eric, I can see that through your diligent study and willingness to adjust to what you find in scripture that your understanding is improving even more! And others benefit from your sincere efforts. Thank You!


I think i understand, it made much sense to me toward the end. That first part im not good with science. But the second half i do. Thankyou.


So this was an awesome video thank you very much. I know that I have disagreed with you recently on a few things I heard you say, but this was an awesome explanation. I am not a learned man. in fact, I am self-taught. I, too, am trying to share the truth of God's word that I do know with those that are even less educated than I. So again I thank you very much for this explanation of the False Trinity Doctrine.
