These are the two worst fast food places in the world

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If you're here then you know exactly why we are doing this. I actually really enjoy Mcdonalds.
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"if you work at McDonald's you are built McDifferently" I'm in tears 😭


You did not let that slide, and I respect you for that.


As a prior McDonalds employee, I approve of this video.

And that can’t be a real McDonald’s worker, workers hate the place, that’s McCorprate.


McDonalds was my first real job in High School. I firmly believe that it was training for all the crap that has happened since. I legit believe I was better prepared emotionally for the time I spent fighting in Iraq due to that job.


The one thing most people don't think about is it's no longer FAST FOOD. I remember when McD's first opened to the public, they only had 9 items. It's very easy to be fast with a menu that small. Look at the size of the Menu today. McDonalds used to be the place you could eat if you had very little money. The last time I ate from McDonalds, a fake cheeseburger and order of fries cost me 12.00 bucks. I guess as prices soar the lines at the drive thru will get much smaller. If the food was delicious, I'd probably get (is it really food?) from them again but at 12.00, it will be a cold day in Arizona before I waste my money there again, so I'll be making the drive thru line a little smaller.


As an ex McDonald's employee of over 6 years I love this video and am fully in favor of this. I have no idea what kind of clueless fool would be defend a soulless corporation who's food kills people while actively mistreating the workers serving that food. Keep it up Jordan you're awesome 👍👍😊


This man went from 300 subs to 900k in 4 months. That’s how you know he speaks the truth. Hooked on your videos


As a former McDonald's AND Chipotle employee I approve of this video 😂


1:11 “only like 300 people are subscribed to me”

That aged


As a McD’s worker I can verify most if not all of what he is saying is true


My best experience ever was an older asian lady that literally forced us to a seat as quick as humanly possible and tried to kick us out as fast as humanly possible. Food was excellent, I was rushed, I made it back to work quickly. I need that lady to guide my entire life.


Jordan, as another McDonald's employee, I demand you *specifically* not ask questions about why the shake machine is cleaned every night by simply boiling the 'perpetual stew' of shake mix for 6 hours, or about why McDonald's Sprite is sometimes used to *_very_* *_reliably_* dissolve the encrusted meat residue when cleaning the grills, or about why all the bathrooms' lights are tinted blue to make it harder to find the veins in your arms


Love 1, your commitment and 2, your pettiness level! Keep up the wonderful work you do for the people.


"...but I'm actually 25." But Jordan... this really makes my almost 49 yr old self look like the cougar I must be lol, cuz the more videos I watch of yours, the more I'm convinced that I need to scoop you up and marry you! You are so delightfully entertaining, funny as hell, and there is no chance of NOT smiling every time I see you.


This dude is way more gangsta than people actually give him credit for. Jordan is like that cool gentleman that never raises his voice or hand to someone out of pocket. He does a scary serious version of his "Come Here", whispers something in your ear and that's it, the other guy immediately starts to say sorry, I didn't know. Don't make this man get Mc Cray Cray!!!


His "what do you want" type of employee perspective makes sense.


I can’t tell if he’s joking or not because there’s a crazy level of urgency and sincerity that just OOZES out of him 😭


Just smashed that subscribe button! The level of offense taken by those two workers that are too dense to realize you weren’t taking about them is staggering.


Not sure if they still are, but at one time McDonald's AND Chipotle were the same company. I know this because I used to drive the TRUCKS that derived the food. I don't know the current status of the two, this was back in 2004, but so funny that you picked both of them. Always loved to knock down those people who think Chipotle was so special and would NEVER eat at McDonald's with that bit of info. Kind of like people who LOVE Trader Joe's, they think it is SO AWESOME but would not be caught dead in an ALDI (that's for poor people). Love to break it to them, they are the SAME store. Same food, same EVERYTHING, just branded differently. Sure, a few “special items” but 99% all the same stuff with a different name on the package.


You are now my nemesis Jordan. I have wandered the entire globe in search of someone with refined skill of which we call pettiness. Many compare pettiness to ugliness, but a rare kind of individual embraces it's beauty with open arms. You sir painted a master piece. You are earned not only my respect but now I know a new depth of pettiness I have only dreamed of. I must improve my pettiness to rival you.

Your new besto friendo.
