XR18 vs MR18

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Having started out with a XR 18 and moved to the MR 18. We noticed a definite improvement in clarity with the Midas, Further, after about 2 years the XR 18 it began to have issues with the left main output, after some research we dissembled and re-seated the ribbon cables and it solved the issue... for a time we were required to do it again a few times over the years. and we finally hot glued it into place and had no further issues, (5 to 6 years total ownership), we are going on 3 years with the Midas and have had no issues with the audio at all. for $100 is a small price to pay for a better product. but I really loved them both.


Thank you! Great comparison video. Helped me decide to go with the XR18.


I just ordered an XR-18 during the sale, but the MR-18 is so tempting. Thank you for this honest, straightforward comparison.


As of Feb 2025 the MR18 is now $839 and the XR18 is $459. I just bought a XR18 and love it. I watched your video because I was wondering if I should have spent the extra money on the MR18. If the difference in price were still $100 It would probably make sense from a long term viewpoint to get the MR and I would probably return the XR and get the MR. However, your video makes it clear that unless the MR18 has improved dramatically, that I made the right choice. I bought a Zoom L20 about 5 years ago as I wasn't ready to have a completely digital interface. It was great but I'm really glad I got the XR18. We are running out IEMs through the P16hq personal mixers, connected to the distribution box and powered by an Ethernet cable. Everyone can easily control their own monitor mix. It's been a game changer. The band sounds amazing.

Thanks for the videos.


It's certainly worth it. We just switched to the MR18, after many years of XR18 use, and it seems to be an immediate improvement.

Happy 100th video!!🎉🎉


A slight difference comes from the tolerance inaccuracy of the used passive components. My feeling..


Thank you for contributing to this eternal debate XR/MR, and congratulations on your 100th video🎉


I use an XR18 for my virtual keys and backing tracks live.
I have an MR18 in my studio for recording and tracking.
Amazing machines.


The differences are very subtle. If you don't have the budget, the XR18 is perfect!


The difference in input gain between the two may be because the MR has 5 dB more output gain. They may have shaved off the gain on the front end to keep them relatively matched on output.


What I hear on YT is more highs and mids from the XR18, but I here more warmth in the MR18 in and around them same frequencies. I bought the Midas mr18 about 5 months ago for live use. I use an RCF system with Art-910’s and a Yamaha DXS18XLF center filled sub. I put the Stereo Combinator on my mainout and added +2 db to the lows (30 to 100) which the crossover is set to 100Hrz and then add 1.5 db to the mid highs and add 1 db to the highs. It literally has taken our sound to another level. I’ve used this now with 4 different bands I mix and everyone of the bands say their crowds are saying it’s the best they’ve ever heard them. I’ll take that!


Great video. On a smaller scale, I upgraded from a Focusrite 2i2 to an Apollo Solo, and while the difference wasn't night and day, the Apollo definitely sounded better. If I were setting up a studio, I'd go with the Midas, too. Just my 2 cents.


For me, just the extra drive level of the outputs on the MR is worth the extra money. +21dBu output is relatively industry standard. +16dBu isn’t. Speaker processors for live work may need a hotter output level than +16dBu to get them up to full gain. Also, I believe all the connectors on the MR are Neutrik rather than cheap knock offs.


I got a Midas MR18 about a year ago based on a recommendation from an audio technology professor (he said MR18 and XR18 stage boxes were both good options for iPad compatibility, but at the time the Midas app was working better with Apple updates than the Behringer one and I was nervous that I would accidentally update my iPad and no longer be able to use the Behringer app. He also showed me all of the features on an MR32 and I felt more comfortable with the Midas app instead of figuring out the Behringer app and getting confused later due to my horrible memory). I saw little to no reviews/Youtube help with MR18, but a lot on the XR18, so I used those videos since a lot of the XR18 help videos worked with the MR18 due to it being almost the same product, especially with Midas and Behringer combining. I'm so excited though, I saw your video comparing the two and have realized that there are now a lot more videos on the MR18 than there used to be. I can't wait to pull it out again and test some more features on it! Thank you!!


Great comparison between the two! thanks for making it!

By the way, there is a Midas product that compete in similarities with the Behringer x32 rack?


Great video Steve. I have a pretty good stack of Behringer gear, and the reason is price. The difference in these is in the Sample rate is it not? I read the XR only goes to 48Khz and the MR will do up to 192. This is for windows, not sure about mac. That is not a deal breaker for me, but might be for others. Great comparison video, thanks for taking the time.


I've had the chance to use both the XR18 and the MR18 with the same band, in the same venue, with the same PA system and saved scene. Yes, you can hear the difference between the two.
However, that said, I have three XR18 mixers and no MR18 mixers. The silly reason? I don't like the locking inputs on the MR18. I try to find any way to tear down and load out as quickly as possible. The difference isn't enough for me to deal with the locking inputs. Plus, I got a great deal on each XR18 I purchased.


Thanks for the great comparison, Steve! But wouldn't your Null test be fairer if instead of comparing acoustic signals saturated by the room, you compared the pure line signal from the outputs from the consoles?


The bull test makes a lot of sense. Is it possible that a small change in latency in the capture could cause some signal to come through?


I have both and there is a difference. But only if you A/B them, the Midas has more clarity in the vocals
