Energy Predictions - What is the future of energy (ISCF - CleanGrowth)

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We’ve all heard of green energy, but what about smart energy? Thanks to new innovations, the future is looking brighter than ever.

The energy system of the future won’t look like today’s. The scale of change over the next 10 to 20 years will be considerable.

The main focus will be on local, low-carbon energy. Thanks to the continuing rise of renewable energy like wind and solar power, the old economies of scale are being turned upside down so that generating and using energy locally will represent better value than the old system of generating energy at scale in relatively few, centralised, power plants.

Future Energy and the Industrial Strategy

Clean Growth is a grand challenge outlined in the Industrial Strategy, shifting the UK to low carbon technologies, systems and services that cost less than high carbon alternatives.

The mission is to at least halve the energy use of new buildings by 2030.

Heating and powering buildings accounts for 40% of our total energy usage in the UK. By making our buildings more energy efficient and embracing smart technologies, we can cut household energy bills, reduce demand for energy, and boost economic growth while meeting our targets for carbon reduction.

The future energy predictions in this video show us how the UK could meet clean growth targets and significantly improve sustainability.

Here are some of our predictions for the future of energy.

Decentralised energy and digital technologies

One of the major benefits of decentralised energy is the move away from inefficient large power stations to localised production, so that energy won’t have to travel so far.

Getting major energy users on board

The move to new, greener production and consumption of energy will only be successful if major consumers are also on board. It’s estimated that the cold chain in the UK currently consumes around 14% of all electricity generated, with food retailers operating massive networks of machines distributed throughout the UK.

Energy as a Service

To make energy part of the circular economy – where, rather than producing, using and disposing of resources, they are kept in use for as long as possible, recovered, regenerated and re-used – there will need to be a shift away from buying energy in kWh and towards buying energy as a service. This means that instead of consumers buying energy from a supplier, they pay a company to get energy at the best price, get the best value from the energy they generate, and improve the efficiency of their homes so that they use less energy.

Free energy?

It’s easier than ever for us to generate green energy. The cost of renewable generation equipment is coming down, and the amount of energy on the grid is going up – often to such levels that during sunny days or when there’s a lot of wind, there can actually be too much energy on the grid. The swings that this creates in wholesale prices can mean that prices can go ‘negative’, so that there is effectively ‘free’ energy on the grid.

Consumers at the heart

The biggest change of all is that consumers will go from being on the edge of the energy system to being at its heart. They will have more control over where their energy comes from, how and when they want to consume it, and can take an active role in making sure it doesn’t cost the earth.

#InnovateUK #IndustrialStrategy #CleanGrowth
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This is fantastic! The future of Europe is renewables!


I agree Andy Hawick what do you think about cow extintion my friend


Wonderful possibilities. I wonder whether our governments can achieve a 'joined-up' set of legislation that enables all of these good things to happen and doesn't end up thwarting some of the best ideas before they can create a positive impact.


Decentralisation of the resource grid and incentivising it's use has the potential to save us from climate catastrophe. The compromise of personal privacy is maybe not as important though I agree it is undesirable.


great video, but what is the name of the intro song?


This would never happen, the future of energy will be a mix of Nuclear and Hydroelectricity providing the base load, and gas and renewable being used at peak time.


The idea is good. But the government legislation isn't there and the problems of hooking up to the grid, are such that these schemes are unworkable. To be honest the other thing that worries me is that the "smart" element of this is going to take so long to get to volume that it's just not going to be quick enough. There are other solutions that are going to have a much bigger impact much sooner. Im a Director in a local Community Energy scheme, and trust me, these schemes are well nigh impossible to get funding for, or to deliver at even break even, so how you expect anything to actually get delivered I don't know. Sorry - pessimism alert.

The issue isn't the idea, it's scale. And scale either needs a massive funding project (billions from private venture with govt backing) or it needs proper change in legislation to kickstart this. There are loads of small companies doing this, but nobody will change habits until govt changes it's stance.


This video has no technical foundation


Don't think that wind power is free!! Turbines are very inefficient and the subsidies are massive for such a poor return!! Not to mention about the eyesore in almost every beautiful landscape!!! Solar power and hydrogen are the way to go. Plug in electric cars are causing more problems than they solve regarding use of fossil fuel to operate the power generation and horrendous damage to the planet just getting the materials for the batteries!!! Hydrogen is 100% clean and renewable so got to be the future with solar power imo!!
