CrossFit Humanity | At Home CrossFit Workout | 4/23/20

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Join Coach Hudson for a at home crossfit workout that requires little to no workout equipment. Whether you have a barbell, dumbbell, kettlebell or only a backpack with some weights, you can get in a great workout. If you enjoyed this crossfit workout of the day, be sure to leave a like and subscribe for more content!
Warm up
3 Rounds
20 Air squats
10 Bent over rows
10 RDLs
10 Cossack squats
AMRAP x 20 Minutes
15 Air squats
15 Bicep curls
15 Marching glute bridge (total)
15 Sumo deadlifts
Add 5 reps to each movement every new round
Today's goal is just 20 minutes of movement. If you missed a couple of days this week you can push this workout. If its day 3-4 for you, treat it as active recovery
Extra credit
For completion
50 Diamond push ups / Bench dips
50 Weighted reverse lunges
Break the up as needed
Warm up
3 Rounds
20 Air squats
10 Bent over rows
10 RDLs
10 Cossack squats
AMRAP x 20 Minutes
15 Air squats
15 Bicep curls
15 Marching glute bridge (total)
15 Sumo deadlifts
Add 5 reps to each movement every new round
Today's goal is just 20 minutes of movement. If you missed a couple of days this week you can push this workout. If its day 3-4 for you, treat it as active recovery
Extra credit
For completion
50 Diamond push ups / Bench dips
50 Weighted reverse lunges
Break the up as needed
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