Modern Polygamy One Husband, Chosen by Multiple Wives

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I have no issue with polygamy. As long as the people in these marriages are consenting adults, I have no issue whatsoever.


Polygamy or not polygamy as long as they are happy then what is the problem?


They allow LGBTQ and being gay but they never allow polygamy why ??


they look happy... this looks better than some smaller and broken families i know


I think this is fine too...thought I would never say but maturity has given me an open mind


6:21 This dude chose decent looking wives. Good 3 ways for him.


Holy cow, anchor lady makes this seem like I'm in an alternate reality.



I saw the show an I like them all especially Authur and his son their dynamic was funny to watch


If gay can marry and lesbian
Why is not law for polygamy so people can marry more than one women
If u raised like them theyre no lot of space for jealousy


nothing wrong with this, at least they're doing it between men and woman, because i'm against same sex marriage


This is in the USA... I thought this was illegal.


who wants a house with 23 screaming kids and 3 yapping women? then you gotta support them all and put up with their BS, then 3 mother in laws? sounds more like a nightmare


Lol us Asian when a man has 2 wives they have Cat fights almost everyday!


I would love this except for me 2 wives would be my dream in polygany. The silly fashion sense when they all dress the same would be be out though as I prefer women who dress modern


I am a Christian and I am not a man who has multiple wives. I am 63 years old and I became a Christian on the 7/7/1977 at a Revival in our small town. I have come to know the Lord and have become familiar with His ways. I know the Bible has history of multiple wives. I know that God isn't really wanting this for His people. But just like God has a will so do we His people. God is not running many religious organizations.
When you join a group you join the beliefs of that group. It has nothing to do with being God. It's just a group. They may quote scriptures and read scriptures and pray and hear a voice you portray to be God and for sure may be your God. But it doesn't make it the One true God. Satan portrays himself as God and he for sure wants to be your God. And if you even open the door of your life just a little bit to him he will come in. Remember how he lied to the first woman EVE IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN. He took the word of God saying to Eve you won't die if you eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. You will become as gods knowing both good and evil. So she thought about it and decided that it sounded good and turned her back on the ONE TRUE GOD'S HOLY WORD which is immutable and unchangeable and ate of the fruit along with her husband the first man and they both died Spiritually. Now they knew that the both of them were naked so they ran and hid and clothed themselves with leaves to hide their nakedness. Just because you come to believe something as truth doesn't mean that it is truth or acceptable before the one true God. Jacob who's name was changed to Israel after he wrestled with God all night in prayer went from his father's house to get a wife. He ended up with two sisters Leah and Rachel for wives. Later shortly after their marriages Rachel was barren. So Rachel gave Jacob her handmaid for a wife to bare children for Rachel. So Leah did the same thing. So Jacob ended up having 4 wives which brought the Nation of Israel into existence and is here with us today. God truly did bless Jacob. And I believe God can bless you too. But you really need to make sure you are serving the same God as Jacob was serving. Jesus Christ came as a result of Adam and Eve's sin. Jesus Christ will show you the truth because he is truth. But you will have to separate yourself and spent all your time with Him until He reveals Himself to you. He will never lead you astray He will always lead you into truth. Truth will separate you from error. That is if you chose it. God bless.


Polygamous marriages are not legal in the US, why aren't they in prison?


To everyone watching this who thinks everyone is happy in this arrangement, they are choosing to broadcast their relationships with a population of people largely against polygamy. Exactly what makes ANY of you think they are going to portray their relationships as anything other than absolutely perfect?


And some very poor men in Mongolia get together to marry one wife was on a documentary years ago one woman had 3 husbands n she said i always try to be careful not to induce jealousy between then even i have my favourite i want to sleep with him the most sensible woman i guess if men can have many wives so a women shall be able to have many husbands too many wives when a man is young yes n the other way round in older age


Who pays for feeding, clothing and medical care of these families? What is their source of income? Hopefully, not my hard earned tax dollars.


Why does this feel like Targaryen family ??
