The Dark Truth - Deltarune: Chapter 2 Music Extended

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Composer: Toby Fox
Platforms: PC, Mac, Nintendo Switch, PS4

DELTARUNE Music that has been extended to play for at least 15 minutes.
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Honestly one of the funniest parts of this chapter is when everyone freaks out about this revelation, including queen.


Ok perhaps the roaring 20s shouldn’t return


Okay, so... a few things when it comes to this reveal.

1) Ralsei has always had it in him to be annoyed or upset with someone but for the most part he's kind of a pushover, even when he thinks certain people are in the wrong with their methods... The fact that he actually puts his food down and goes "No, what the Hell are you guys doing, are you insane?!" when Susie, Noelle, and Berdly are all in agreement that they should make another Dark Fountain because the Dark World is pretty great overall is actually pretty jarring, even if he doesn't use those exact words. It's a good indicator that what he's saying is deadly serious, though.

2) Ralsei mentioned in Chapter 1 that should the balance of Light and Dark ever go out of sync, disaster would strike, even mentioning that the Earth would split open like what he says here. Since Susie had just met Ralsei when he told her and Kris this and she was DEFINITELY not feeling the whole "destined hero" thing, it's not surprising she wouldn't take it in, nor that she'd recall that when considering whether or not to create a new Dark Fountain. That being said, these new details about the Titans arising from the Earth, Darkners turning to statues, and Lightners being left alone to defend themselves against the Titans feels like really important details that Ralsei should have mentioned when explaining the prophecy. It's like he expected to Susie, Kris, and the other Lightners to either already know this or to just seal each new Dark Fountain that arises and not really question why they have to, which brings me to my next point:

3) Ralsei's expectations and what he assumes people will do or what they are doing are all over the place. This was pretty obvious when Kris and Susie first met Ralsei and how Ralsei was shocked that Susie wouldn't "play along" with his hero narrative, but it's at this point that things really come to a head. He seemed to legitimately think that Kris, Susie, and the others will just know that creating new Dark Fountains is bad inherently and that they need to seal them, almost as if he expects everyone to be familiar with "The Roaring". This even applies to the villains, too; Ralsei seemed to assume Queen knew about the Roaring and that's why she wants to create another Dark Fountain, despite the fact that she's repeatedly said throughout Chapter 2 that she wants to rule the world, which she kind of can't do if the Titans rise up and all the Darkners, including her, turn to statues.

3.5) This kind of ties into my previous point but isn't unique enough to be it's own point, but it's this kind of behavior on Ralsei's part that makes people untrustworthy of Ralsei after Chapter 2. In Chapter 1, him trying to insist that he, Kris, and Susie are heroes who need to fulfill their destiny by sealing the Dark Fountain at Card Castle feels like cute playfulness, one that no one really questioned because his behavior is just so darn wholesome and adorable. Now, with these new revelations, along with other things like him knowing about the nature of Darkners in the Light World, knowing where his castle town is located in terms of the school and even where Kris and Susie ended up when leaving the Dark World, the fact that Lancer and other Darkners will turn to statues if not in their original Dark World or in the castle town yet somehow he's fine, and the fact that he's clearly withholding information from Kris and Susie unless it's relevant or if someone (normally Susie) questions it, it's made a whole lot of people turn on Ralsei, questioning his motivations and even suspecting some sort of shadier, even sinister motivation behind all of it. For myself, while it's pretty clear that Ralsei's behavior is suspicious and Kris and Susie should definitely question it more than they have been, I feel like Ralsei's personality, particularly when things don't go his way, is also revealing. The fact that the Lightners wishing to create another Dark Fountain is the ONLY time Ralsei lost his cool and got legitimately angry with anyone is rather telling, especially since, as I've said before, he has a certain narrative in his head that he expects everyone to play along with. If Ralsei truly did have malevolent motivations with what he was doing, I'd suspect he'd lose his cool more, particularly when Susie decided she wasn't going to be a hero anymore and was going to be a bad guy with Lancer instead. But even setting that aside, I have no reason to suspect that what Ralsei is doing is ultimately bad or evil. His methods may be questionable, but I suspect he ultimately had good intentions behind it all.

...Thanks for everyone who bothered to read this, this has been knocking around my head since I finished chapter 2, glad I got it all out there.


The way Don't Forget is used here is terrifying


"is this your idea of paradise?"


I feel like if Ralsei finds out about Kris creating a fountain he's just gonna fucking explode.


I'm pretty sure that Ralsei was the sole survivor of a previous Roaring, hence why the scene is in sepia like a flashback: It has happened before. And, Castle Town was the Light World before the Roaring, and is built on dead, or even worse, dormant, Titans.


Never has a track made me feel so... scared. But not in a "Somethings coming for you, hide!", more so a "Something terrible is going to happen, inevitably" sense.


"Is this your idea of paradise?"

By far the most chilling line in the chapter


All people saying why he never mentions the roaring, he actually talks about world destruction in the original history from chapter one. He does not put a name, or talk about the titans because there was only one portal more open. And I think he never thought that somebody would think of opening lots of portals since having only one more is actually bad and dangerous. Maybe is in the manual that we never read also hahaha. I saw it more as an expansion of the lore for the future chapters and Toby giving us hints of what is going on slowly, for suspense, than actually something going wrong with Ralsei.


Everyone be talking about why Ralsei hides things from us but nobody talks about how freaky, almost.... Nightmarish vibes this track gives.


You just know something really fucking terrible is going to happen when this song comes back.


The dark vibe of this song really emphasizes to me what The Roaring would be like. An empty abyss where you are all alone. Blackness so deep that no light will ever penetrate its inky fountains. Nobody can hear you. A wasteland of depression filled with statues.

But even though they can't speak up to comfort you their words still echo faintly beneath the despair.

"I'm with you in the dark".


Everyone in the comments saying "Ralsei's hiding something from us".
But this is Toby Fox we're talking about. He's known for the weird plot twists that are hard to predict. Playing this angle of Ralsei being up to no good behind the scenes just because he knows things we don't seems too "easy", too cliche.

Also if I'm going to do a 4th wall break here, this is chapter 2 of a 7 chapter game. Ralsei is being used as an outlet for lore dumps here; we can't get ALL the lore in just the first chapter lol, so I think it's flawed thinking to say "WHY DIDN'T HE TELL US THIS SOONER??"


This music is incredibly unsettling but still somehow has... Comforting vibes?


getting some "but the earth refused to die" vibes from this.


Deltarune seems to be a story about childhood escapism and growing up, and this scene in particular conveys that to me; Noelle wanting to live "where everything can be healed with a little spell" and Berdly's naive heroism are interrupted by Ralsei giving them a dose of cold reality- "the dark truth" that the world isn't like that. It's masterfully done and I can't wait to see where this story goes next!


[[Toothpaste Boy]]: WE NEED TO SEAL THE [Fountain]S OR ELSE THE [[Earth will explode]]


Whenever I see Ralsei just shift tones like this, it makes me wonder if he really is that innocent goat everyone claims he is. Why is he the only one completely aware of what's going on? Something is not right.


Okay so.

All I've heard so far on every video regarding this track/scene is that Ralsei is hiding something and "why didn't he tell us this?" And "That's information we could've used"

1. We could not have used this information for anything.

2. We already knew that letting these dark fountains mess with the balance of light and dark would have dire consequences, Ralsei tells us this in chapter 1. He doesn't need to get i to specifics if there's a way to prevent it from even happening.

3. We all have our theories with how he was behaving this chapter...we all saw it. But that doesn't automatically make everything he does suspicious. Be suspicious but not every little thing implies anything large. Even if we have our reasons to be suspicious.

4. Get the banana.
