2 Methods to help your free hand sharpening

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Free hand sharpening is a very enjoyable process…but maybe not when you’re trying to learn. Here are a couple of methods that really helped me when I was first learning.
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I use a red Sharpie. That way, there is no mistaking it for a shadow or reflection or something. But it always makes me briefly think I cut myself :)


Freehand sharpening n00b here! Just bought a set of DMT diamond plates and was practicing on a cheap steak knife. I was wondering why I never got a burr, so, I appreciated it when you mentioned the fact that it’s possible not to have a burr if you’re coming in at too shallow of an angle. The company I bought the plates from has a chart on their website that shows to use stacked quarters to find an approximate angle, according to what width the blade is. The middle of this steak knife is about 0.5”, and the chart showed to use 2 quarters to get a 20° angle. Maybe I should use 3 quarters instead. I do realize that eventually I won’t need to use the quarters. But right now, being brand new, it’s a bit hard to find that proper angle, especially when the existing bevel is not all that pronounced. BTW, the chart is at SharpeningSupplies.com.

Thanks for your video.


I suggest getting a good, but inexpensive, carbon steel knife to learn on because it's less abrasion resistant than stainless steels. Old Hickory and Carbone Opinels can be had for < $20 and are good carbon steel to practice with.

You can't be a real knife guy, if you can't freehand sharpen.


I cut a little wedge of pine with a 18 degree ramp and lay it on the stone then slap my knife blade down on it flat and lock the wrist and go to town for like a minute per side until bevels are even on each side and come to a fresh new edge. For removing burs i slap it down and just angle it up a smidge. works good.


I remember there is a little chart online with the good/bad results. Its a good method


Great info. I have found that finishing a stone sharpened edge with a few passes on a leather strop can make it razor sharp.


What is the name of the stone you are using in this video. Where did you buy.


The thing most sharpeners that are learning really need to know, is how to maneuver the blade in a consistent way. It is nearly impossible to describe and takes some people a very long time to figure out. Some guys twist the knife back towards them at the tip, other lift the handle. Some people make a twisting motion into the stone as they cross the belly, some guys keep the knife straight and lay back the blade.
The "correct" way is to move the knife like you would on a belt sander keeping the same tangent to the stone... however most people cannot do this, because its incredibly difficult.


Nice video! To the point with good advice! I went looking for something new ... although not new to me, this video is great reminder of the marker and burr technique!


Great instructional vid buddy! Cheers, Marc


I have always enjoyed free hand sharpening too.  Kind of zen.  I suck at it, but I enjoy it.


a q-Tip works also well to check for burr


Crocket! Thank you so much! I can't wait to try these techniques out! Also, as far as my YouTube name. It stands for PRS as in prs guitars or Paul Reed Smith guitars. LUV as in I love those guitars and CCTX for Corpus Christi, TX.

hope that clears it up!


great info ... what is the best way to clean a stone? I've just been rinsing it with water...


Getting the feeling for knowing when you're right on top of the bevel is similar (for me) to knowing when you've hit a golf club right on the screws, or center face. I can tell, now that I've hit a few hundred thousands golf balls, when I've hit one out of the toe or the heel of the club, high or low on the face, by as little as a quarter inch, or a groove. It's all about sound and feel. Same with sharpening. There's a certain sound you're listening for and a solid kind of feel when you're right on top of the bevel.


Very nice! Good advice man. Is that a spyderco ceramic stone you're using?


Thanks for the video. BTW as your beard has grows, you remind me of King Leonidas of Sparta.


Thanks for that. I too struggle with freehand sharpening.


This shit is so hard. I’ve been practicing on an h&k and have gotten to hair shaving but the edge looks shitty.
