Tracy Lee | Using Angular-CLI to Deploy an Angular 2 App Using Firebase in 30 Minutes

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Tracy is passionate about MVC frameworks and the latest JavaScript technologies. Tracy runs Modern Web podcast & conferences, loves open source, building community, and most of all, cli tools.

She helps organize various events in the JS community such as Global Ember Meetup, track chair for QConSF, ng-cruise, and empowers large teams with mentorship through EmberSherpa.

Using Angular-CLI to Deploy an Angular 2 App Using Firebase in 30 Minutes
Do you think it’s possible to live code an Angular 2 app, create a backend, and deploy it in one talk? With the convenience of Angular-CLI and a little help from Firebase and material design, see how easy it is to create apps with Angular 2 and why this new framework is the great for quickly prototyping ideas and is built to scale large applications across distributed teams.
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Amazing song!! hahahah great way to start


hey is the command ng g c -is -it --no-sponser? as i cannot see with it cutoff by your fab dress. thanks :)
