Testing Components, Angular Universal, Transforms

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Testing Components
Speaker: Scott Moss

Angular Universal: bridging the gap between static and dynamic web apps
Speaker: Patrick Stapleton (aka PatrickJS)

Before we have single-page apps we were rendering our application on the server which is different from how we develop apps today. In this talk, we will go over how we can use Angular Universal to develop static web apps. We will also go over how we can use Angular Universal for dynamic websites to increase perceived performance of our single-page apps today. Then we will combine these two worlds in one application that can do both. By the end of the talk, you will understand the difference between these two types of web applications and how we can use Angular Universal to build one super app.

transformRequest and transformResponse: efficiency in disguise [Lightning Talk]
Speaker: Dvid Silva

Transforms are a great place to place code; move the logic out from your controllers and services, make your code easier to read and reuse.
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