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I go by "Guide of Limitless Truth" on this channel (known as "Guardian of Limitless Truth"), I'm also an owner of "Arcane Reader" channel.
I'm a spiritual guide and practitioner, artist and writer. I'm mainly into any type of energy work including card and energy readings, psychokinesis, magick and witchcraft, manifestation, self discovery, personal and spiritual development. On this channel we discuss all of those and more.
My channel is known for psychokinesis trainings and guides, I post also spirit communication videos, as well as my spiritual mindset and view on various topics (ask me anything!).


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Make sure to practice telekinesis for 10 minutes every 5 hours it will help you get better


Great to see someone still teaching this. I remember being skeptical years ago but tried it while in college and was able to move paper on command after months of daily practice. It's a shame most are closed minded and will never believe or try it.


pov: u use rock music for telekinesis and u flip ur whole room upside down


Telekenesis is a special talent everyone can’t believe


I’m so excited to learn this and I will be able to share it with my sister and we will have so much fun with this talent ofc it’s also for more serious stuff like moving then heavy I can’t move with my arms and stuff and all that . But seriously this seems legit and you’re great at explaining! Keep it up !


I dont suggest using a tinfoil because If tou keep doing the hand movements you don't know forsure if it was TK or Wind. If you gonna use a tin foil dont move your hands and simply feel the Energy flowing from your fingers to the tinfoil. Or use the tinfoil instead of a paper in a phywheel


Somehow, this actually worked, and I almost cried


Thank you so much. This worked. I am typing this with my mind rn and js blew up a baby


This is just my opinion ignore it if you want but tinfoil is horrible to do hand motions with cause even with the slightest of hand movements will move it without telekinesis


Thanks so much i search it up and all it shows is ppl doing it and im like that doesn't help but you helped a lot im excited to show all my friends:)


So we basically just “trick” our brains into thinking we are “physically” moving the object??


Tysm! I like to pretend I'm a fairy, You might get those on your fyp, and now I can do "fairy" telekinesis without spending money on invisible strings or rings or bracelets or anything. Ty! I first learned about you from Danny Gonzales or Drew Gooden (so similar I forgot which one 😭). Thank you so much for this! ♥️♥️♥️
New subscriber!


I can’t tell if people are joking or not in the comments..


Someone tell me straight up no lies. Can you actually levitate things or move things in a direction where there’s no other possible explanation?


I'm starting my training with a stone that I wrapped a silver chain around. Somewhat like a pendulum. I will hang it on something and try to swing it certain ways until I feel that I can move on to other objects. That may be a little more challenging.


I succeeded from the second attempt with foil (altogether 5-7 minutes attempt), I did not breathe meanwhile and did no wind, just concentrated on the power in my tense palms, my fingers slightly closed, I even did not try to merge with the object, just believed I am capaple of doing it. Actually at first I started noticing the foils edges tremble, while I point my tense palm on it (fingers slightly closed, or like kung fu-ing), so I knew, some energy is being emmitted from my hand to the foil. I had to strain my lower arm muscles, if I did not "squeeze" energy out of my lower arm, the foil did not move. I did kind of short sudden energy outsqueeze, imagining I hit the foil with my wrist. I assume the most energy came from my wrist/palm chakra, not from the center of the palm, but this is only a hypothesis. I will explore my movements, sensations and how this correlates with the results. Fot now I am more than happy, 5 moves in a few minutes, that is enough for today. I need to go for a walk and process this. People, I got it: DO NOT overcomplicate, just do it. Put a mask on if You want to exclude any breathing interference. You do not need to move your arms a lot, actally you do not need to move them at all I guess. If You block the belief, it wont move. Actually this is fantastic! I will practice for sure, this will be my new hobby :) Thank You for the video, I really have no idea how this topic popped up in my Youtoube...I did not even search for it! I can make one conclusion: I have tried 30 years ago, nothing happened, but Earth is changing, Schuman resonance is indeed changing out capabilities. Telekinesis is and probably will be from now a common everyday experience. Humanity is regaining lost psychic powers. I did not focus on the foil, i did no meditation, I squeezed my arm muscles and did a 2cm ultrashort kick imitation in the direction of the foil.


I'm 43 yo. When I was 12 I had a very hard phase that I was very depressed. A lot of things happened that year. Sometimes I hear about a lot of women that went to strange things at puberty. One stuff that happened was things moving. Once I was having lunch, and the ice from my orange juice just jumped up from the glass then fell in again. I was so depressed I thought that was a kind of poltergheist stuff I used to see on films, something evil maybe. Anyways, I still don't know how that bad energy of those days worked to make those things happen. The different thing here was: I didn't have any control of that. And after 30 years, sometimes I still try to learn about it. Thanks for your video.


What also works is talking to the object, loving the pen and becoming one with the pen so it can move on demand. Candlelight dinners with the pen and bring flowers to the pen. My pen Lola moves on demand whenever I sneeze. Or write with it while sneezing. Follow me for a sneezing tutorial


I don't have the patience or attention span to attempt this but have the attention to watch this video


The surface of my desk isn't completely smooth, but I manage it very well. It may seem stupid but I have a strong impression that I wake up something was sleeping inside me. I think that decalcifying our pineal gland would help a lot in our telekinesis training. Galenic Bent Liquid Ginger and pure water is effective but I can't drink it cuz I can't stand the taste and I don't have a water distiller yet.
