Why YOUR Story Matters! #storytelling #brandstorytelling

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Have you ever pondered what truly differentiates you from the crowd?

Dive into this enlightening topic on how understanding and unveiling your unique origin story can set you apart in any profession. In a world with a million designers, creatives, and web developers, your personal journey and character become your unique stamp. Michael Margolis breaks down the importance of not only recognizing what has shaped you but also articulating that understanding to others. Unravel the power within your own narrative and leverage it for unparalleled success. Join us to discover how your character and credentials can become your most potent tools in business and life. Don't be just another professional; be the one with a story that resonates.

#storytelling #uniquesellingproposition #personalbranding

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Host: Chris Do
Producer: Mark Contreras
Cinematographers/Editors: Stewart Schuster @RodrigoTasca & @Tascastudios MOCS Media
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I love this, and it came in such a perfect time. I was just walking out of the bar after my Pool League night, and this man was sitting outside, and he was black, and I have this fancy jacket on in a pool case with my pool sticks, and he asked me if I work here. He said he was just wanting some fries. And I reached into my pocket and I have $15 left of the $40 in cash that I took out for the night, and I just give him the $15. And he’s super grateful and everything, and then I’m just thinking about how $15 doesn’t mean anything to me. Like I’m not super wealthy but I’m also not poor I guess you could say Middle to upper middle-class but not quite upper upper middle-class yet. But I’m thinking about how I get to go get in my decent car that’s a 2021, and it’s not gonna break down anytime soon, and I get to go home to my beautiful 3500 square-foot house where my 15 year-old daughter is waiting for me, and my wife’s waiting to talk to me because she’s on a work trip in California. And this guy is sitting outside on a cold rainy night just wanting some fries. And I feel like people who come from money give money because they recognize the privilege they had in life. But I didn’t come to money, my parents both were in and out of jail/prison for drugs, and I have lots of trauma that I’ve been healing over the last decade. There are times when we were sleeping in abandon houses with no electricity or running water and in the winter I had to sleep next to a kerosene heater. But thankfully I was born with intelligence and resilience, and used where I came from to motivate me to get out of it, and do better. And my wife’s the same, and her story is actually worse than mine (not to compare plates, because everybody’s plate is different). but we found each other and helped each other and moved up and moved out of poverty. And I understand the complexities of humans, and how their brains work, and I was thinking about how the system is built to keep the poor poor, but as much adversity as I and my wife faced, that black man has faced significantly more. I remember having to take back Pop cans in order to buy some Ramen noodles for the week. And I’ve worked real hard to get out of a scarcity mindset and into an abundance, mindset, and $15, giving that away, would’ve been literally insane to me 10 years ago. But I go through all this in my head, and how I’m so happy that this $15 can make this person‘s night, and I’m not even gonna give a second thought about it after tonight. And on my way to the car, I checked my notifications, and have one for this video, and it’s saying that my character and my story is more important than my credentials. And it just really hit different. And makes me realize that I have so much more to offer as a creative because of my character and my story, rather than spending a bunch of time trying to build up my credentials. So thank you for this. ❤️


1 billion people really do need to hear this.


I would love to play a game where every bit of text is written like the intro text wall in this video
