Weekly market update. Week 174. 11th November 2024

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We are back. Thankyou for your forbearance as we took a month’s break. Each podcast takes around 3 days to produce and in future we will be aiming for bi-weekly episodes.

Since the last weekly the world has changed: Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States, Germany has lost its governing coalition, the UK Labour government has announced a tax and spend budget that increases government spending by £70bn a year. The podcast contains one months worth of economic data but we go through it at high speed because the data depicts the state of the world economy now, not how it will be if Donald Trump enacts the tariffs that he has threatened. We are entering a potentially volatile period for markets and the world economy.

We have special sections on the UK budget, the OBR’s assessment of that budget, Donald Trump’s economic policy and UK trade with the US. Plus we have all the usual markets and economics data. In order to reduce the length of the podcast I have not included most of the charts that our Discord members have sent in. I will do so in the coming weeks as we return to a regular schedule. Thankyou to everyone who contacted us with messages of support.

00:00:38 This week’s news
00:04:29 UK economic data
00:12:29 Weekly quiz
00:14:03 EU economic data
00:19:02 US economic data
00:31:47 China economic data
00:36:05 One Chart
00:37:10 UK budget
00:44:07 OBR’s assessment of the UK budget
00:53:57 Stagflation
01:00:32 Donald Trump’s economic policy
01:08:54 UK trade with the US
01:14:01 Inflation watch
01:16:55 Recession watch
01:18:48 Good news
01:20:58 Equity market checklist
01:28:20 Energy commodities
01:30:37 Industrial metals checklist
01:32:19 Precious metals
01:34:01 Bond yield and interest rates checklist
01:37:45 Concluding comments
01:38:44 Keith and Richard’s portfolio updates


Our podcast is entirely free and in order to maximise the viewing experience we do not accept distracting YouTube advertisements. We therefore rely on voluntary donations via Gofundme to help defray our running costs. All donations are very gratefully accepted and the generosity of our audience is a source of constant delight to us.

Unfortunately we have had to instigate 2 factor authentication on our Discord channel to discourage Crypto-scammers. It remains a welcoming environment where private investors can swap information in a positive and supportive environment. Please join us.
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Keith, I thought about it a long time like: should I give you any advice or not... and always thought, that I won´t do that. Because you are experienced and know what you do. The only thing I thought I might tell you over some beers would have been to not report your portfolio anymore. It´s good to see that you changed that and that Richard also supports that. We all love that podcast for its content and for you guys´ educated opinion on things. Plus the beers and sitting together from time to time.


Just glad your continuing chaps the other alternative would be maybe a weekly 30-40 min podcast but best of luck with.whatever you decide quality content every podcast.


Glad you guys came back, funnily enough, the favourite part of the show is when you go through your portfolios, as in the end, i can find the charts anywhere, but the real unique value for me is seeing when you put your money, because this really represents your views and any true opportunities- money speaks louder than words!...So I was a bit disappointed that at 1:40:40 you said thats not what the show is about! haha I am glad you continue to do this section though- especially when you lose, as we all go through hard times in investing and its valuable to have others honestly sharing this process, as well as watching their success following the lows, which I think are coming for Keith, bond lows are behind us for the medium term imo!


Finally, you're back 😂 ❤

Dont suppose you guys are interested in doing another hochschild mining review 3yrs on? Given your positions/interests in precious metals currently.


snigger snigger 1:03:31. Good to see you guys back !!


Ive been watching PM for several years now. Great podcast as usual thanks. Interesting your balancing your Gilts with REITS Keith. But what if interest rates continue to stay higher for longer which would be bad for gilts and bad for REITS given the cost of their debt. Why not go for an alternative strategy not so exposed to rates?
