Penn & Teller get Fooled 'You Blew Our Minds.'

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Penn says "We know this trick and You Blew Our Mind." Normally Penn & Teller take a guess at how the trick is done. After asking to examine the cards they did not even bother to take a guess. They simply said "Paul Gertner You Fooled Us!"
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How someone becomes this good at manipulating cards that well is so insanely impressive.


I think I worked out how he did it. In his left pocket he clearly has a marker, and in his jacket there are multiple decks. Now, he also has a watch that can stop time, so every time he wants to change the words, he pauses time, writes on the cards and then does the trick. It's pretty obvious really.

I'm just being silly. This trick is absolutely magnificent. You are a wizard!


I love how the trophy say F U on it. Penn and Teller's middle finger of respect.


Well, when he ruffled the cards and told her to stop, the card you saw was not the King of Spades until he split the deck. But that's obviously not the tough part.


You wanna know what is really magical here, that you have so many replies and you answered so many of them, nice test of character. You stay in touch with the community that enjoys you. You take your valuable time interacting with your fans on YouTube. Nice way to show you are humble and down eath. Your trick was very impressive, but your six pillars of characters, much more impressive! Keep being you Arthur, thank you!


One of my favorite things about this routine is that you didn't just fool everyone once, but you did it multiple times and it got better each time. Truly beautiful work. One of my favorite "foolers" on Penn & Teller by far. Great job!


Who else loves that when you fool Penn & Teller they give you a trophy thats has F U in big bold letters on it


Love how the only "I know how he did it!" is the basic forced selection of the K of spades.
The rest of the trick must have taken years of practice..
Ridiculous amount of skill.
Probably the best card trick i've ever seen,
and I don't think it required and extra deck or slight of hand.


This guy's faro shuffles are ON. POINT. Brilliant.


if you freeze at 1:11....i noticed the cards starting from left side and if look at cards starting from right side....they go in same order in a mirror form like for example 9 8 7 6 5 5 6 7 8 9, and opposite in color, which help in creating the illusion it is shuffled...this is very interesting and fascinating trick...You sir is amazing.


Every single other "Penn & Teller: Fool Us" video has some sort of explanation under it in the comments section. Every single one. And that is probably what amazes me about this trick the most. No one can explain it. That's how you can tell this is one extremely talented Magician. Amazing trick. Absolutely amazing.


This is one of those tricks that is so damn good, I don't want to know how Paul did it. I'm happy just watching, with my mouth open in disbelief.

The way magic should be!


Even the parts that I did understand require flawless execution for every single shuffle. Gosh dang, man. That was so good.


I wonder if this man has a background in mathematics... There is definitely a pattern to the deck when he first spreads them out. And I was _kind of_ with it when he was showing 3 different versions of the word "unshuffled, " as that could be explained by arranging the cards in specific ratios as they relate to the original sequence. (As the area of each letter would increase by a ratio of 2:1.) But when he started forming other words... I think the man literally blew my mind. And even if the cards simply had to be rearranged in specific ratios it would be incredibly hard to do so and make it look like a very convincing shuffle. (As he did.) And it didn't seem like a single card was shuffled out of place. This guy is amazing. O.o


Whenever a magician hand over their props for inspection it means that it's clean... the reason for teller's expression. 7:36


I see a lot of comments that are close, but I don't see any that are quite right.

The trick isn't getting four copies of the word to merge into two or one copy of the word UNSHUFFLED. A perfect "unshuffle" will do that. That takes a lot of practice, but it's not difficult to understand. The trick *also* isn't in getting the right card, because it's pretty obvious he gives her the card he wants, not quite the card she picks. And finally, the trick isn't getting it to say KING OF SPADES, because that's just the other side of the cards.

The trick is how he gets what appears to be the same deck of cards to say THREE different things along the long side of the cards. He knows this is the trick, and he tells Penn & Teller this is the trick, if you watch his face when their names appear.

I don't see a deck swap, although I can't guarantee there isn't one. He also doesn't rotate half the deck, as far as I can tell. I can't figure out how to get their names from either of the phrases above, but I'll grant that it may be possible.Only other thing I could think of is that one side of the deck actually says two things, but half the deck is actually set back a little bit.


Even if we collectively over time figure out all steps of this trick, it is still a very different thing to understand or to repeat. The skill required to pull this off in such a clean way is just unreal!
Even if I know how the technique works, I'm still baffled by the execution, and you blew my mind!


I have never seen anybody so gracious about comments under their YouTube video. Your interaction with your fans here makes me like you that much more.


Teller looked in awe when he get to see the deck up close :D


I love how when someone fools them they literally give the contestants a big “F U” so to speak
