Finding joy in difficult times- Chronic pain doctor shares Biblical perspective and his faith in God

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Really refreshing to hear a doctor speak about faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you for sharing your faith so openly! I pray God continue to grow you in wisdom and knowledge and bless your practice and your family in Jesus name❤️


I’m a retired Respiratory Therapist and find your approach to medicine exceptional. I’m sure Caring Medical is part of the revolution coming in health care.


I'm literally in so much sever pain after my bad car accident with widespread crps, eds, scoliosis, 2 TBIs, the last one caused me multi organ dysfunction w stage 4 adrenal fatigue. I honestly feel like I'm going to die a couple times a month, there was a time i could not remember any scriptures after the first accident and had such severe anxiety, when I was having a hard time and I could literally only remember the name of Jesus, .. and anytime I thought I was not going to make it thru the night I'd just repeat His name over and over. It saved my life I swear.. I've been bed bound the majority of the last 9 years. It's crazy to even say that it's been that long. But everytime a Dr meets me and sees my list of issues, and they say. I can't believe how positive you are. And it's true. God has literally given me a gift to preservier thru hard times. But I read the Bible multi times before this accident, I served as a Sunday school teacher for a couple years. And was a secretary for the Church and Church School. I homeschool all my kids, even in my condition.. lol... I honestly have to laugh at myself cause I don't even know how I do it. God is literally so good to me. He never abandons me. When I'm really bad and think I'm at my end, all my kids come in and lay hands on me without asking and God relives my pain. It's truly amazing. It's like God works thru everyone in my household and it seems like at least one of them is there to help me when I really need it. When I couldn't go to Church anymore my husband started playing the guitar again and would do Church at home and worship each week.
When the attorney asked my husband, can you tell me what all this accident had caused in your home or with your wife, he replied, " I've never been so close to my wife since the accidentand started balling" it made me so happy to hear that cause I felt su bad that I couldn't be with intamatly very often and I couldn't do anything really. And he thought it brought us closer... it really made me thank God. Cause it was like Gos was protecting my husbands heart thru it all too.
I'm a silent suffer, so I don't tell anyone when I'm not sure if I'll make it to the morning. Thru time I've accepted that I'm may go when God wants me home.

Before I use to say, "well I'm ready to go home whenever God calls me". But when your actually sick and tons of pain and your really at the end of your life. It's scary. And you want to finish raising your kids. Ya know... like when I say this it brings me to tears, and I'm not saying my life isn't hard.

But God has given me grace to stay positive everyday, I listen to positive affirmations, I pray and chat with God all day in my mind, I watch funny movies, reading the Bible is crucial or listen to Bible audio books. I visualize angels running healing light up and down my body for hrs sometimes, I keep thinking that I can be healed any day now. I'm not going to give up looking for healing.
And I've had Drs abandon me.. and this was scary but then God will open up some amazing Dr that takes me and my care gets even better then it was prior.
My advice:
Always know that you are loved..
Always know God can heal you anytime and your are being used by Him even if you think your not.
Don't let the enemy win your mind in making you feeling depressed or angry.
Use visuals on how you want your life to look. If you have negative family around, invision in your mind how you want them to be. God promises He will give you your heart desire, and this is part of showing Him what that is. And pretend they are like that.
Pray pray pray... it works!
Listen or read the Bible. It's so healing (honestly if I had not known God as I did or read His Word as much as I had before the accident I don't think I'd have the peace I have now. He even gives me wisdom in my care. He's just so amazing.
Be thankful- just always say how thankful you are for the things you do have.

Prayers to anyone suffering...


Thank you I'm in pain have cervical stenosis, I'm in God's hands I live in uk, had accident on ward at work
God has a room prepared for me I believe he helps me through


Yes, imagine a place with no pain and such a beautiful place God has for us! He loves us, we are His children and when we are in a relationship with Jesus, then we are His children and He delights in us !!!! You are such an inspiration, THANK YOU !!!


I'm in a lot of pain with my back right now. I'm praying.


I am 64 and have been dealing with chronic pain for decades. When I was 12 I fell on my knee ice skating. At 19 I needed surgery. The worst is my neck. It is so bad and has progressively become even worse. It's excrutiating every day, i have spinal stenosis, spurs, radiculopathy, herniated discs, etc. I was diagnosed with fibro, babesia (tick borne illness), lyme, IBS, diverticulitis, GERD and severe joint issues. My daughter was diagnosed with Ehlers Danlose so a few doctors felt this was at the root of it. I had cubital tunnel surgery and need the other arm done. Shoulder surgery in my 40s. I was an architect and couldn't lift my arm. I still try to smile and joke with people when I'm out. I talk to God often. Dr. Hauser, if my neck was repaired I believe my life would be exponentially better. I WISH I could see you. I live on the east coast of Florida and no one has helped.


Hi Doctor Hauser! I have long COVID and I really needed this video. Thank you so much. This has been the hardest 7 months of my life. I’m actually working on coming to see you. I went to a upper cranial chiropractor and he found my Atlas was off and ligament damage as well as some instability at the Georgia line. I pray every day that God will heal me and give me my life back especially for my two little boys that need their mama. Thank you for all that you do your truly a blessing to us all


I don't know what I would do without my sense of humor. Being a nurse with chronic pain, it is a bit darker humor than you mention, but others get it and it feels good when you can share that humor


I battle Lupus & Fibromyalgia. I'm recovering from a stroke as well. I'm so thankful & greatful for I see the Hand of the Lord in my life. Surrending all these things I go through to Him has truly made my journey much lighter. Thank you Lord 🙏🏾


This was a such a blessing, Dr.Hauser!! When one follows the Word of God's Truth, His Grace is sufficient for all of our needs, even in affliction. He is a benevolent Father, and in my case, He's been my Rock through 25 years of dealing with cervical instability and MS. Thank you for all of your good work which i now know has been for the LORD (Hebrews 6:10)!!


People may say to me, " I pray for you.." and I'm thinking - if only you can practical help me out.
At the moment I am very depressed. I have dealt with chronic illnesses/pain most of my life. Right now I'm so fed up with everything.
Being alone, sick and not talking much to others and can't do hardly anything - I'm gotten really depressed. I see all that needs to be done but family and others don't have time to help. And I'm broke and my car is broke. Dealing with occipital neuralgia, migraines, CFS/fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, stenoses, etc. I need prolotherapy, etc. but can't afford it. If it wasn't for God I would have been dead long time ago.
Thou I always have had health issues I always helped people. And still want to help people


I’m a Veteran of the US Army. I suffered a stroke last year and this year was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. What I do to keep me grounded? I do daily meditation, rosary, and positive self talk. It can get challenging, but I make it a habit to not complain and be grateful I’m alive another day 🙏🏼❤️


I wish you were my doctor! I have Crohn's disease for about 30 years and have been struggling with stenosis on my spinal cord for maybe the last 7 years. I've been on pain medication for a long time, and I need to have surgery but very reluctant to get it done because I don't trust the doctors I have seen so far. I live in Florida and to be honest, the doctors I have seen have treated me as if I were an object instead of a human being. I also see a pain management doctor which he and his team has treated me as if I were a nuisance, and that is putting it nicely. I'm very weak because of my history with Crohn's and then the back/neck problems added to all the things a person with Crohn's disease has gone through in 30 years. I am a Christian and have always believed in God even when I was a little boy. There are many times the feeling of hopelessness creeps into my thoughts but if I didn't have the understanding that God loves me, I would have no hope at all. I do feel scared though, because even if I have hope in God, I don't think some of my doctors have any hope for me.


As a fellow believer and sufferer of disabling pain, thank you so much for posting this video. I often feel hopeless and yearning for the day when He calls me home, even though I’m 32. But this video gave me a lot of joy in knowing that there are other Christians out there who understand and want to help. Thank you again.


Second comment. Thank you for an amazing talk. I was married to a cruel, abusive, narccicistic man for 27 yrs. I'm like an empath and am uncapable of builing walls, so I felt everything. He planned leaving for 10 yrs because I was ill and turned my only daughter against me. I have forgiven everyone in my life except him. I'm working on it but I am still a kind, loving, empathetic person and help anyone who needs it. God bless you doctor.


I suffer from chronic pain, woke up once again from it, but especially traumatic in level I was in, tears, took my meds, and laid out on heat, and began looking for biblical encouragement until I could think straight, and your video came up. I was intrigued as you are a pain doctor. I was pleasantly surprised. Your video helped me make it through these minutes, good advice. You sound like a Godly person. I pray that you will be blessed in your practice, and in your life. You are a treasured soul to many obviously, both personally and as a doctor. Thankyou.


The Holy Ghost brought me here and im glad He did! As a chronic pain sufferer my life have been full of ups and downs. After having an open SI joint fusion that failed I went on to living with my condition what I have learned is when I get my eyes off myself and serve others it heals me inside and out. Im currently suffering for unexplained fever for 10 days and we cant find the source I truly believe it could b stress induce and I have had some stressful events recently but thought I was dealing with my stress levels but my body is telling on me!


Wow!! I prayed last night for a solution to my falling, vertigo and the ringing in my ears, and I find this video. Praise the Most High. Thank you🙏🙏🙏💕


Thank you for your testimony and for encouraging others.
