The Real Reason Jesus Called God 'Father' (it's NOT what you think)

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Why did He call God "Father"? This revelation is not what you think. Join us as we discover the true, hidden message behind Jesus's intimate relationship with the Divine. Watch now to find out the real reason!

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I found your channel about 2 weeks ago. I have watched a lot of your videos and each one is great. I spent 11 years with a secret brotherhood group that promised to tell what God really was. I stayed with them for 11 years because they kept promising to tell that. Then the new leader of this group ran off with all the funds that had been collected via membership renewal fees. They always said how they could read minds and auras but they could not since the leader planned to take the money and run and THEY DID NOT HAVE A CLUE. I quit them immediately. I read a lot of books like The Lost Books Of The Bible but did not understand it much. All your videos are to the point and real information, things I had read a while ago now made sense. I also questioned in a bible study group why God was an ass in the old testament and not an ass in the new testament and I got thrown out of the group for asking too many questions. I do not have money or I would be a paying member to your channel. But thank you so much for bringing this information to the rest of us, it answers so many questions. Like when Adam and Eve got thrown out of the paradise garden and had sons who went out and found wives. Where the hell did those wives come from ? Thanks Morgue.


Your reality of neoginisn doesn’t benefit all those that are living in the reality of slavery and sex abuse, they choose this reality. That’s absurd thinking


As an observer of Chaos Wicca I noticed that about Jesus as well. God is the source of all existence but the relationship is akin to Father and son, therefore it is acceptable to address God as Father or my Father as Fathers are seen as head of households, as kings, as chiefs, and as leaders with authority to make decisions.


It is the 1st time I gave comment s on YouTube even though I"ve been using it for long while.I'm strongly attracted to ur issues on your channel and I steel feel to continue to follow.I liked everything u present on ur channel.Thank u .Keep doing so!


THE OUR FATHER prYer doesmt say my father. It says OUR father. So, its not personal to Jesus. Jesus was a way shower who showed us how to align ourselves with God. By live, truth, compassion, humility etc


I always thought about it like this:

People in the Old Testament viewed God in a certain way, which is why we got all the sacrifices, deaths etc.

But when Jesus came along he wanted to teach how God the Father TRULY was and he’d know best being that as he stated he was sent by God. There was even a quote in the bible where Jesus said that he was sent to teach certain truths and there was also a quote where Jesus stated he wanted to teach us about God.

So it’s never been my feeling that the God of the Old Testament was a different being than the God of the New Testament. More like, peoples understanding of God had changed when Jesus entered the scene but it’s still the same God.


You teach more on Gnosticism than you do your own belief of being a Neogenian. Neorealism has less to offer to masses then Gnosticism


Actually he called him “Sky Daddy” in the original ancient texts


You forgot that Jesus taught us to pray "OUR father in heaven...!" Out of this clearly is said that we, who we truely are our souls gifted with LOVE, all are GOD'S CHILDREN...!


For someone whose Gnowledge seems fairly limited.. you presume to Gnow a very great deal..
are Jesus & Thee Christ, One & the Same.??.
is Thee Divine Father of Thee Christ Son, One & the Same father who begot the soul persona of Jesus .??.
is The biblical kingdom of heaven Thee Spiritual Origin & Dwelling Of Source.??.


I think at the end of the article the author could be relating to the idea of the "fallen state" or "knowledge of good and evil" (duality).

The author seems to be saying that God's Creations are eternal. But when we are in this earthly realm we experience duality and physical death. But ultimately we wake up from this "dream of death and duality". We realize that was not Created by God but is just a dream "made up" by the collective consciousness. In a sense it seems that we have had a "fall from grace". We separated from God's Unified mind and in effect seemingly became "split minded" or knowledge of duality. We are collectively on our way back to God's Unified Mind and discovering this "duality stuff" was just a dream. It states in the Bible "That God did NOT give us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind".
The "fear", "hate" "guilt", "shame" part of the dream is really the illusionary part.
This is what Jesus was talking about when He said your mind cannot serve two master's. You are either dominated by "fear" or are dominated by Love.


2Th 2:10  And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 
2Th 2:11  And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 
2Th 2:12  That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.


I love your channel! I just started watching recently and your research and everything you share is very much appreciated. Random question, your skin looks amazing right now and I'm trying to take better care of myself outside as well as within. But I noticed we had similar skin types so I'm wondering, may I ask what you're using, maybe it will help me? Thank you again for your help and information on this journey of so called life 😊


God of light is pure light don’t remember seeing him in pure form but as a human as light


The reson why there are many jesuses is because when i was crucified i was bonded 2 each and every one of u and what i feel u all feel im on meds being dumbed down and if i can be taken away 2 a hot country i will view the sun and get my powers back if i get powers u all get powers then we can reshape the world


One of the main problems with humanity is that everyone thinks their right while everyone else is wrong, so in essence, everyone is right, and everyone is wrong. Nobody listens to others' advice and opinions because, well, why would anyone when nobody is wrong. With 8 billion people in the world means there are 8 billion different opinions and 8 billion different personalities and, in turn, causes A LOT of hatred, anger, and division.


I believe you're extremely wrong about not trying to leave. We are all in a dream prison, no amount of effort will make it better, and even if we could, it still would not be reality. We cannot focus our energy into the dreams of the demiurge, we need to remember the truth and literally wake up. Perhaps we can defeat or destroy him from the outside once we're out of his control 😊


Hi Mo*gue you are closer to the truth that you have ever been!! I am blessing you in my King Jesus curious truth seeker name to with everyday be closer to the truth!! Our Father is seeking true worshipers as you are, who are giving the prise to Him in truth and in the spirit!!


Think for one moment that God also is evolving. It's proven that the universe is expanding ❤


It is in you as a person that the nature of God is revealed, for a scriptural episode is not a record of an historical event, but a parabolic revelation of truth. To see Jesus or David as an historical character is to see truth tempered to the weakness of your soul. You must see what the characters represent, rather than the characters themselves. This is true for every story in scripture, for every episode will unfold within you.
