Perimenopause—Women’s Misunderstood, Confusing and Long Midlife Transition.

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Presenter: Dr. Jerilynn Prior, Professor of Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of British Columbia

The Women’s Health Seminar Series features multidisciplinary research on women’s health. The goal of the series is to provide multidisciplinary training and mentorship for students across a broad range of women’s health research topics. Speakers will present their research regarding the biological, psychological, behavioural, economic and social factors in women’s health and their effects on women’s health outcomes. Each seminar consists of 45 minutes talks followed by an interactive question and answer period.

Read more about our series here:
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Yes. I suffered perimenopause gradually..for abt pre three years(before early)..gradually it tuk my ad study routine. .I had know issues wth periods(flow)(I was in 2017/2018..i started thegradually..2020 complete stop of periods(thn horrible hot flushes abit curiousity.thn anxiety.(but more thn this the perimenopause hit me by sme fears of domestic life routine.goals, too bad(.ad now I'm in menopause state. I never took any meds or treatment but suffered on this balance of physical routine .(I'm pre ad peri strted2017/2018...


With respect I think this doctor's negative view of estrogen is based on a very skewed perspective - all the women on the combined pill or on appropriately dosed HRT, we are not the ones coming through her door complaining of menstrual flooding and other horrible symptoms. The people she is seeing who are miserable aren't on any estrogen.
