Nausea at 15 Weeks Pregnant || Pregnancy Symptoms and Mental Health Update

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My pregnancy symptoms at 15 weeks are literally taking a toll on my mental and emotional state. The nausea seems never-ending and at times too much to handle. Being pregnant is the most amazing thing yet at the same time it is so hard.

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Hi, My name is Athina. I am a 29-year-old mama to a beautiful baby girl and wife to the best husband a girl could as for, Leonidas. We live in a small Suburb East of Melbourne, Australia. I am a Stay at home mom. I post videos about motherhood, cleaning and everything in between. I love being able to express myself without driving my husband mental :)

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I'm so sorry! That was how I felt with my daughter. I really did get scared that it just wasn't going to go away. It did finally stop for me around 17 weeks, but I have never had morning sickness that long. I don't know how those who go the whole time with it manage. That seemed so long to me.


So sorry momma, I know it’s rough it will pass eventually though! I don’t think mine went away till 15-18 weeks with my last pregnancy, I just had my baby 2 weeks ago and I honestly feel like a brand new woman I didn’t realize how miserable I was till I wasn’t pregnant anymore I was just so use to being miserable. It’s all worth it though!


I am 15 weeks and have exactly the same symptoms!! It's been a struggle! I completely understand and feel you 😔


I feel for you! I was still vomiting with my first up until the day before going into labor. It is horrible! This time around my nausea is starting to subside at 13 weeks, but I had the flu and was in the hospital for 3 days for dehydration. I'm not sure if I'm comparing my current nausea to that or not because it seems non existent or so meaningless to me now since I went through all that even though I still vomit every once and a while now. My fingers are crossed that yours will give you a break here soon! Good luck momma! Cant wait to see more updates!


Thanks for the video, I'm 15 weeks tomorrow and this completely described my life right now.


You are doing the best you can. Don’t be so hard on yourself momma. You got this. If you need to lay down. Lay down. Just tell yourself you won’t be pregnant forever. You are doing a wonderful job. ❤️


I'm on diclectin and have been since week 11 when my gagging progressed to projectile vomiting. It's helped with food aversion, which I have many. I'm at 15 weeks and 1 day and I tried to go off it. I had one good day and today I'm just vomiting everything up again. Diclectin is a miracle.


I’m so sorry sweety that you are having to deal with nausea so much... you are smart for moving around and pushing yourself and I feel for you! You got this!!!💕👍🏼


I’m so sorry to hear that you’re feeling this way but also so happy that you’ve decided your mental health is suffering too!!! I’ve definitely missed seeing your face and can’t believe we’re so close to 16 weeks! Your hair is also getting so long it looks great!


I was so excited to see an update! You got this and I'm excited to see more updates! ❤


Also, yesterday i ate huge bowls of soup and i was doing really good. Then i woke up today feeling super sick. Maybe i over did it yesterday?


So sorry to hear you still don't feel well. Don't be too hard on yourself though mama, you're doing the best you can with the energy you've been given each day I'm sure. Don't compare yourself to others, each and everyone of us is unique ... we're different. Keep up the positive spirit and mindset! :)


Have you tried unisom and b6 at night before bed? I’m just 2 weeks ahead of you and still struggling with nausea and morning sickness as well and the unisom/b6 combo has been saving my life!


One thing people don’t understand is that saying things like it will pass doesn’t help ! Sometimes it actually doesn’t and some women go through this through all 3 semesters. Honestly nausea or HG in pregnancy is so hard. Im on week 15 now currently in bed still with HG and it’s so difficult x


Omg this is me, I cried all morning in the tub. I’m so mad that I’m not the same. I totally understand, although I just stumbled across this video.


I can total relate. I am sick of this pregnancy 😞


I can relate so so much..I'm 12 weeks 2 days and am struggling soo bad. The guilt of just not being able to do things is just awful. I miss me and how I used to feel. Ofcorse delighted to be pregnant but this is so tough. Last night consisted of nibbling at crackers throughout the night followed by am I going to be's miserable. Now we have guests staying and I just want to hide 😢


Oh no, I understand this but please don't blame yourself ❤ you are doing everything you can, and trust me, Angel understands, you try your best. I don't know how you feel but I know that you are really trying. Hold in there honey, you have severe nausea but in the end it is worth every little second of being nauseus and would be worth getting trough it all over again ❤💙


I experienced a very similar situation! This hit me really hard at the end of the second trimester! I’m currently in the third trimester and still have these days! Haha, Jim told me to stop cleaning and cooking so much as well! It’s definitely a journey. I only have about five weeks left and still have all day sickness. It sucks bc you almost feel like you can’t “pull your weight” in terms of providing for the household. Keep pushing forward mama but take care of yourself! 💕


28 weeks today
I feel so guilty!
I love my children more than anything ever
But I hate getting big cant stand it !!
Hope you feel better soon

#8weeks left !!
