Eu4 The Definitive Guide - Trade: Developing Income

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Thanks @UtopiaMusic For the music in this video.

0:00 Introduction
0:45 Increasing Trade Value
5:05 Manpower Investments
6:10 5 Years Of Investments
7:23 10 Years Of Investments
8:31 Other Considerations
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8:54 Omg, I've been playing this game for years and I didn't know this. Thank you so much Monk, this one tip makes the entire video worth it for me.


No mention of workshops seems a bit weird when talking about trade and trade value.


maybe a small thing, the music is too loud monk


im loving your guides man, keep em coming


If you aren't playing hyper-wide (this guide is for WC, so obviously not the goal here), then you can build both manufacturies (manpower and goods produced) by expanding infrastructure.


Hey Budgetmonk! Your videos are super helpful and concise which is great! However I felt like the music is a bit loud compared to your voice and had trouble hearing at times, maybe try a rebalance?


I love your videos, but you're choosing music which frequencies overlap (in this case the piano) with the human voice making it harder to understand you. You can adjust the frequency spectrum of music with an equalizer to filter those frequencies out so you can still use that music and we can better understand what you are saying. But it would be better to avoid music which frequencies clash with your voice. Just friendly advise 🙂.


Since trade income is the biggest contributor to economic hegemon, you should only add the estuaries/trade centers to trade company as the rest of the region gets a goods produced % bonus from it. This can be worse in some instances because of religion penalties. However, since most wc runs include religious ideas or if you are going for one faith, you will convert all non tc provinces, removing the religion penalty to goods produced completely.

I´m convinced you'd earn more money by only tc'ing estuaries/trade centers, upgrading them to lvl 2, building marketplaces in those provinces only and finally getting the flat +4 trade power bonus in them which will only affect the tc province. Please explain why you don't do this as you are flat out missing out on a lot of income.

The situation you are describing would only be realistic when you have townhalls available due to government capacity. If that is the case I understand why you add everything to tc to get more manpower, production income etc. But its not optimal if your sole goal is getting economic hegemon asap as you have repeatedly stated is the goal.

Finally, since you once again state that economic hegemon is the goal, why not abuse trade companies in anatolia? Following my suggestion you would get a whopping 50% goods produced modifier in every province outside ragusa.

Edit: tc in estuaries/trade centers and one per state is optimal.


Hi BudgetMonk, ty for these guides, i really enjoy and learn with them. Just one thing, don't you worry about the governing capacity? It is a huge land and as Byzantium I start to struggle despite taking Admin ideas when im much less of this size. Maybe you will cover governing capacity in further videos


yo can you remove the music? Or at least put on something more fitting. Otherwise, good video and thanks for the tips. I'm going for my first wc as Mughals rn and it's going well.


Dont Know If you have planed this for this series but i believe it would be useful to cover the different modifiers helping you achiev eco-heg, like the different trade-idea policies, national ideas(portugese ones are perfect for eco-heg rush), prosperity(which you mentioned) and so on


Monk please, I love your content but please just don't put music in your videos mate. As far as I'm concerned it doesn't add anything.


When the music kicked wondered if i had a different video open i was seriously confused. other than that: thank you again and again for the guide vids. even after playing the game for 8 years i still learn things with your vids. quite a lot in fact :)


Wow, this Monk guy got so large by 1445, I'm watching this!


Few things.

Having a whole trade region as TC makes no sense at all ever, because you lose the bonus production from having a tc there. I am too lazy to make a video, but if monk makes alleppo into no tc land states everything except lets say alleppo(city) he will have roughly +60% goods produced on fully stated land which is much better than using tc's and their investment.
Easy way to test this is play castille, tc tangier monopolize Castille node and delete all trade centers in europe. It will generate insane money.

Next thing is, trade power generally is pretty useless in these cases with alexandria/persia, they become outdated once you monopolize and the good produced in the regions are generally weak if you dont build it up first. manufactories will double the value in a node most of the time, so its better to make the trade node worth something before you take the trade power. +50 trade power on nothing is still nothing so who cares.


What is the earliest that one can generally get the economic hegemon? I have started a Ottogame after your first guide. It is now 1630s and I have monopolized all the way to Gujarat, but I am still only halfway at the hegemon. I didn't build that many manufactories, but it still seems so far away.
On a second note, even with the monopolizing, the AI still manages to steal trade. They send in traders that move trade away even though they don't even collect in the following nodes, it is really weird.
And last last note, you often add in randoms E's in local names like Basra and Astrakhan
Edit: I just tried it out in the Ottogame. When I use the increased trade value in Basra (14g local, 71g incoming, with 78% control (even though I control all direct downstream provinces), it gives me 15.4g local and thus slight increase in propagated. If I use the 50% trade steering increase for the TC region, then I get a whopping 8g increase in propagated value, thus I think the trade steering is super important, which you didn't bring up in the video.


wow another amazing video explaining mechanics that i believed to have understood completely but in reality i was just scratching the surface. please keep it up with the amazing content


dude i love it
i really want to master trading now, ima about to play chilly otto game where i play with trading companies
thanks Monk for all the work!


This video really opened my eyes when it comes to building up my economy.
On the other hand, when am I supposed to add all the provinces in a trade node to my trade company, as opposed to keeping only trade centers... Do you mind clarifying?


great video but the music is a miss I think, watching at 2x speed makes it much harder to hear your words clearly
