Betaflight servo setup sucks!

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Finally got an old betaflight board to work with a 3 motor+2 servo foam wing. I'm was looking for the ability to have differential thrust but with a 3rd motor for straight throttle. After hours of trying to decipher the mmix and smix setup in betaflight, and getting desync issues using motor outputs, i gave up and just went old school pwm to the 3 motor and set beta fight up for use with "5 servos".
Digital servos can handle over 200hz so setting servo pwm to 250, i was able to run the 3 motor just off those outputs. Betaflight doesn't even see any motors . In this way i was also able to get self centering on my differential thrust, before with it being motor output, i was unable to find how to get betaflight to center those channels without manually moving the sticks (acro mode kinda deal, motors just stay where you left them)
Digital servos can handle over 200hz so setting servo pwm to 250, i was able to run the 3 motor just off those outputs. Betaflight doesn't even see any motors . In this way i was also able to get self centering on my differential thrust, before with it being motor output, i was unable to find how to get betaflight to center those channels without manually moving the sticks (acro mode kinda deal, motors just stay where you left them)