Pt2 Joining Greek fraternities/ sororities...Kappa Alpha psi

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That was excellent. May you be protected and respected. ( with Excellent Health !! )


Thankyou Brother for exposing the creed, oaths, and beliefs of one of the most famous black greek fraternities🤝 Although, this is only just (one of the nine) for example, it surely does allude into how ALL of them are fundamentally structured!

Following with you through their scripts, these organizations are definitely infused with demonic praise, adoration, and activities. It can be clearly seen during their probates for the initiates. Like how the entire lines will be in one-accord with the gestures, postures, dialogue, and dancing. Also, their Big Brothers all have that big-dawg demon, O.G type of swag about themselves and in how they "control & guide" the formations. Also, you can look at all the initiates' faces and realize that its a "spirit" controlling and taking over their bodily vessels during the limelight ceremony in front of the audiences. In college, the frats walk around campus like they are superior and their mindsets are in a whole nother dimension from the general population.

What you spoke of and displayed in this video was very informative, and is something I couldn't get no one who I know is in a greek organization to reveal.

You remind me of brother Steve Cokely who exposed the secret nature and manuscripts of the Kappa Pi Phi, Boule. I just watched that last week👍

This is what you call "real truth-telling" that we need to whistle-blow and pull back the curtain on ALL demonic organizations and societies that holds captive the black leaders of all facets of black America.👐🙏

I can't wait until ex-gang members and leaders start exposing the rituals they endured and processed through to induce the demonic forces that permeate their activities and doings. All gangs members no matter the city, hood, or set share in common (that same other worldly spirit). You can spot it on them a mile away.

Stay Strong💪 and in the Word of God brother, and don't fear the Kappa goons that get excited and upset that your publicly revealed their "secret worship". We the People needed this for our awareness and knowledge bowl💪🤗


This is truth and frightening.
I have been watching these videos because people that I love are in these organizations and I am truly afraid for their souls.
Constantine used the water to go straight to hell, not just the spirit world. Keanue was also in the devil's advocate. "Vanity is the devil's favorite sin."
I know it was a movie but still.

The fact that everything is explained in this video and others in DETAIL comparing their rituals, ritual books and blasphamous chants (replacing God's name and word with their organization) shows how lost these so called Christians are in these orgs. Glad to see someone go into detail about it.

I never understood how people who go around constantly bragging on God "blessing" them and acting like God loves them more than you ( I personally know people in these organizations who act like this) can be a part of something that also disrespect God.
The same people in these organizations who believe should also know that the enemy blesses his followers too. He also comes to collect.

They also need to stop using their "good works" as an excuse because these same Christians should know that no amount of "good work" or community service will get you into the Kingdom. I guess I can only pray that they one day see the light, the TRUE light. The ONLY light. THE LIGHT OF GOD NOT the light of their organizations.


it's amazing how people will defend their all male fraternity that they say is designed to make men better men but yet they invite and welcome in men that act like women & they like men!! 🤔🤪


“Come before his presence with singing” Psalm 100:2


I pledged Kappa for several months in 96. I've been struggling with this for the past few years. The more I get closer to God to more it bothers me. I've already gotten rid of all my shirts and even the large pedestal picture of the Kappa man that many Kappas have in their homes. I did learn Proverbs 3:1-10 and Psalm 133:1-3 while I was pledging, but those 10 rituals we went through can only be seen as demonic. The chants we chanted, the songs we sang were all about worship to founders and worship of self. One song we used to sing said "I see the light, the Kappa light. It's red and white and it's cool...". This was a remake of a old gospel song called "I Saw the Light". That would be the light of Christ, not an organization. There's so many other examples I could give


Yes, Jesus taught them to love God and teach about the kingdom of God, the Greek organizations teach to obey, revere and promote the organization NOT GOD! This entire message is absolutely correct, truth is truth


Yep history repeats it self what happend back in the bible days is happening all over again.


I had to come check you out. Now I better understand your POV.


Why are there so many homosexuals in the black church someone please explain. Do you think they’re fraternity made them gay.


Jesus also did not take a Oath to the land he served his father in heaven the bible says any one taking a Oath of any sort will not enter his kingdom


Apollo = Music, Dance and Medicine...? I wonder if there is a spiritual connection between the "gods" behind these fraternities and sororities and the career paths ot their members choose? Eg. Most preachers Alphas are Omegas (ironically). Or should this question be reframed?


the book of 1 John warns us against spirits of antichrist, to turn away from any system/person/actions that will break fellowship between us and God. people need to understand that Yashuah is the truth, God is sinless, he will not harbor these foolishness from His children. The same God of love is the same God of wrath. The word of God says it is a fearful thing to fall in to the hand of the living God for judgement.


I understand why people have issues with some of this, but this does read like a skit to represent a journey of brotherhood/sacrifice and seeking knowledge. Not a specific “worship” of other gods. I believe Delphi was a major hub at one point, so if you are modeling a Greek organization, it’s not crazy that they would have it as a place where people “go” for knowledge. I guess it’s how you feel about worship. If I go to the alter at church but don’t believe in God, is that worship? If I get Baptized but don’t really believe in Christ, am I saved? If I enjoy Marvel movies with Thor and Loki, am I worshipping them as my gods?


Hey brother thanks for the video 👍 this is why I never pledged to go through all that for some Greek letters!? Nah not me I thought about it at one point glad I didn't at IU Bloomington campus does not glorify God at all!


God said we can not SLAVE for to masters we have to choose one either choosing God or the world


Are you on Facebook. I sared some of your videos on my fcbook page


😃👏👏👏 I welcome those in these organizations to visit this channel, as a matter of fact invite your whole chapter and sands to visit. Every form of carnal excuse you try to bring up has already been addressed in these video series on Greek fraternities and sororities. Now just Because you kick and scream while NOT being able to provide one biblical scripture or a word from the Holy Spirit to support why you joined, the word of God will not change for you. Your own ritual books has exposed your organization showing it is against the Bible and is anti-christ( point 31:52 it specifically says gods). I'm still waiting for 1 soul to say the Holy Spirit told them to join or stay in their Greek fraternity or Is there one 😆


@AG writer you quoting the Bible is useless because the devil knows the Bible. But the bottom line is that it’s 2019 and guys in my fraternity like to party and if you condemn someone for having fun then that’s depressing. Kappa has produced pastors, deacons, reverends etc. you don’t know someone’s heart or beliefs. You condemning me and my brothers for our lifestyle is just as much as sin as anything else. If a man wants to denounce the bond then more power to him everyone has a lane or a purpose that GOD put them on this earth for. No man can judge another man. The way you judge me GOD will judge you. I bet since the time you wrote that message you committed sins that you will continue to commit does that make you a devil worshiper? No that makes you human just like me and my BROTHERS♦️


I work with a guy who's a Kappa. I try to speak life into him about these things. Yet he doesn't want to hear it and don't want to understand the spirit behind it. I'm noticing in my job where I work many are in these organizations.
