How to Use Powerful Mushrooms to Naturally Improve Pet Health

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In this video "How to Use Powerful Mushrooms to Naturally Improve Pet Health," you will learn how mushroom products are made, how mushrooms can be used in your holistic pet care to improve your pet's immune system, treat cancer, and much more pet care uses.

Medicinal mushrooms are becoming one of the top home remedies for dog cancer, learn why.

You'll also learn how to assess the quality of the brand to make sure you're buying high-quality medicinal mushrooms that can help your pets.

High-quality brands include:


ABOUT Dr. Katie Woodley - The Natural Pet Doctor

Dr. Katie is a small animal integrative veterinarian who developed a passion for natural medicine while I was living in New Zealand. Her vet career was lucky enough to begin in the beautiful country of New Zealand. She was able to see how living off the land by growing our own vegetables and raising our own animals was the way to live the healthiest versions of ourselves. Her pets were lucky to have lots of open space to run around in and were always at the beach or the river.

When they moved back to the States five years ago, her husband, unfortunately, developed an autoimmune disease. As they researched natural medicine options for him to avoid the horrible side effects of the treatment options his doctors were providing him, Dr. Katie realized that she was doing a disservice to her animal patients by not offering these holistic options to them. She began down the integrative medicine route and has never been happier. Through nutrition, acupuncture, herbal medicine, essential oils, and supplements, every animal can achieve optimal health or feel their best even when they have a chronic illness or disease like cancer. She currently has a certification in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine and is continuously learning about the other natural modalities and growing her knowledge base every day!

She started this business to provide pet parents with more resources for natural medicine advice and care because we need to increase awareness of how amazing natural medicine truly is! Dr. Katie's mission is to ensure that all pet parents have access to herbal medicine, supplementation, and nutritional advice throughout their pet's lifetime. One of her greatest joys is the opportunity to collaborate with both pet parents and other veterinary professionals to ensure access to all available integrative options for pet health care.

*Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your own veterinarian or doctor. Dr. Katie Woodley cannot answer specific questions about your pet's medical issues or make medical recommendations for your pet without first establishing a veterinarian-client-patient relationship. Links in the description are typically affiliate links that let you help support the channel at no extra cost.
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3 great companies

Dana Scott ..dogs naturally

Julie Ann….
adored beast

Real mushroom . Nammex


I use turkey tail mostly because my boxer’s spleen ruptured and she was dx with hemangiosarcoma! The traditional vet wanted to euthanize her because she had only 3 days to live he said ! No that was not going to happen ! I buy 5 defenders brand! She is now 9 months post dx living & thriving! Of course she is on a natural food diet! Yes mushrooms are wonderful and working! I of course am throwing everything but the kitchen sink at her cancer! Great post!❤l


I love it, started giving turmeric, pepper, omega 3 and mushroom powder to my 2 older cats, there is no turning back now, added collagen too


MycoDog and MycoCat are both grown in the woods of the Pacific Northwest, mostly Oregon. We are considered a triple extraction because we are spagyric. We also include other adaptogenic herbs to make them more powerful and synergistic. We get 25-52% Beta Glucans.


I am so glad that I came across this video! My son's cat has a soft tissue tumor in his mouth. Our former Vet gave us pain meds and sent us on our way. I called many times for a referral to see a surgeon to do a biopsy and never received a call back. I began to do my own research. Three weeks later and about $200 later, Jackson kitty was doing better on a mushroom blend and milk thistle. A few tinctures I bought didn't work out. I then took Jackson to a new vet. Although he's not a Holistic Vet, he steered me to the same website you mentioned, approved the holistic tinctures I was giving Jackson, did blood work, and discovered he had early stages of kidney disease. This vet has been wonderful. We're waiting to do the biopsy since Jackson has been doing so well. Yesterday, I purchased Turkey Tail powder to add to his diet since that is one mushroom he was not getting. Listening to you has reassured me that we are now with the right veterinarian. Jackson has been my son's best friend for 13 years. My son is 20, and they are still inseparable. Thank you so much for this very informational video! I feel better about getting Jackson to eat the powder as he sure is a finicky kitty. I've also got him on Omega 3s and eating Smalls cat food as much as I can afford. Luckily, the tumor hasn't slowed his eating of soft food.


I've had way to many dogs die from cancer. I treated my husky with chaga to help with her seizures. She was on three heavy duty anti seizure meds and had terrible quality of life. We cut her dosage after consulting our vet. She was hesitant but we told her we were going to do it anyway so she agreed. That was about the time I started her on Chaga and her seizures didn't increase and she was a lot happier. She lived another 6 months until her liver gave out. I think the pharmacuticals destroyed it. We were warned of this possibility. Anyway I forage for chaga and wild reishi and make tinctures and dual extracts. I would like to start my 7 year old and 1.5 on chaga and reishi now and then. Would a dual extract be the best to use? I would "cook" off the alcohol and keep it refridgerated. They are fed a diet of brand name dog food flavored with either grass-fed beef trimmings or venison trimmings. I cook down a huge pot ever butchering and bag and freeze. Included are organ meat and all the odds and ends. I even did tripe once. Thanks for the video, I liked and subbed and love your mushroom enthusism, I'm Tim the hill billy mushroom forager and I approve this video. I could not find 1 fault in your information.


i use turkey tail for one doggie for prevention and another blend of mixed mushrooms for the others (chaga cordyceps, phelinus, maitake, reishi and shiitake)


Easy question. Real
Mushrooms that doesnt use grain or host defense that does


"Host Defense" was the name you were looking for regarding Paul Stamet's company. On another note, Reishi (Ganoderma Tsugae) is a species found in hemlock forest and elsewhere. Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor ) is fairly easy to find and identify in hardwood forests.


Paul stamets host defense. But I think he does it on grains.


I forgot
CBD dogs health other great mushroom tincture company plus Angela ardolino’s CBD oil for dogs and (humans) 100 pure…trusted company !!


Just ordered some Lion's Mane for my dogs. Your video (and the Lion's mane) was recommended to me by the BEST DOG SITTER IN THE WORLD!! Thank you for making this video.


What dosage for a 65 pound dog with terminal cancer, MRSP, who is going through radiation, & has a rotten tooth? (Always had a bad immune system, I adopted him with health problems)


Hi Dr. Katie, thank you for this great video - you are amazing! You said 2 tablespoons of each mushroom but it sounds like a lot mixed with only 4 ounces of water- or perhaps did you mean 2 teaspoons? hmm???


Do you have any thoughts on giving moringa or soursop to pets with cancer? My cat was diagnosed with Intestinal lymphoma a couple weeks ago.


Does anyone have experience with giving our feline companions Lions Mane mushrooms? We have a 15 year old tiny black kitty who is experiencing signs of dementia. I personally use Lion's Mane and know of it's positive effects for myself but do not know much regarding side effects for cats. Any info is extremely appreciated !!


Host Defense is not a good place to buy mushrooms. They use mycelium instead of the fruiting body. Make sure your mushrooms say from “the fruiting body”, for humans and pets.


Could I just dehydrate and grind my own turkey tail to a powder? I have two older cats


Anyone knows where to find Polyporus Mushroom I can use for cats? I found only European companies but they don’t ship to US


Dogs seem to prefer the whole fruiting body it helps them digest.
