Using Postgres, Prometheus and Grafana for Storing, Analyzing and Visualizing Metrics

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In this talk, we take a somewhat heretical stance in the monitoring world, and describe why and how we chose to use PostgreSQL as a Prometheus backend to support complex queries (and get a full SQL interface).

Until recently, the databases supported by Grafana have been NoSQL systems, offering SQL-like or custom query languages that were limited in scope, and designed for specific data model and architectures in mind.
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So cool to hear the phrase "shout out" (@ 03:34 - Go Sven!!!) to have come so far and be so widely adopted. It goes waay back to here: "The phrase actually originated back in the early 80's (*83 to be exact) when DJ Ralph McDaniels had a show on WLIW in NYC called "Video Music Box". It was the original Hip-Hop music video program & he would use the term as a sort of catch phrase for people to say hello over the air waves to their friends & family. He called it a "Shout out".
