Hundreds of Scientists Acknowledge a Creator! (The Fine Tuning Argument)

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"If the earth were 1 centimeter closer to the sun, it would burn.
Or if it were 1 centimeter further away, it would freeze.”
I am sure you have heard this rumor as well.

In fact, this claim is completely baseless. Because of its elliptical orbit, the Earth already moves 5 million kilometers away from and closer to the Sun every year. So this popular rumor is not true. But if you want, I can tell you something much more interesting.

In this universe we are in, there are such precisely measured values that if they varied not even by 1 centimeter, but by trillion times, trillion times, trillion times, trillion times, trillionth of 1 centimeter, there would be no life, not only on Earth, but nowhere in the universe.

#finetuning #science #atheism

0:00 Intro
1:02 4 Fundamental Forces
1:25 The Discovery of Fine Tuning
2:29 Without Gravity
2:56 Without Electromagnetic Force
3:13 Without the Strong Nuclear Force
3:31 Without the Weak Nuclear Force
3:49 Sensitivity of Those Forces
4:54 Sensitivity of the Cosmic Expansion Rate
5:56 The Most Precise Value
8:04 Scientists Who Accept the Existence of A Creator
9:17 Confessions of Atheist Scientists
10:25 The End

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Even everything has a purpose in this world. So what is the purpose of humanbeings by visiting this world for a while.. Lets make it clear together!
“And do not suppose yourself to be free and independent. For if you look at this guest-house of the world with the eye of wisdom, you will see that nothing at all is without order and without purpose. How can you remain outside the order and be without purpose?” RN Collection
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If these numbers were off a "trillionth of a trillionth ...", we wouldn't even be here to say "Wow! If these numbers were off a trillionth of a trillionth ..." Who's to say the multiverse isn't filled with trillions and trillions of failed universes? I admit it does SEEM like the universe should have had a Creator / Designer, but that certainly doesn't mean there WAS one! That's human bias. All this besides, even if you proved there was, in fact, a Creator, it wouldn't necessarily follow that that Creator was YOUR PRECISE IDEA OF GOD. It could be any of a literally infinite number of possible gods! Christians act like all they have to do is prove "a" Creator exists, while that is but the tiniest infinitesimal part of the whole picture.


This is the WORST argument, ever... Absolutely NONE of this demonsrates in ANY way that there is a God or Creator...


Just a numbers game. Nothing divine but that which you choose to revere.


"If the conditions which produced X were different, X would not have been produced."


"This proves those conditions were set intentionally."

Incorrect. This assumes the outcome was intended beforehand. It assumes design to prove design.


It is a fact that we are here. It is also a fact that if the universe were completely uninhabitable, we would not be here. So given that we are here, the universe must be at least habitable in some small part. The probability of a habitable universe, given our existence, is not miraculous - it is 100%.

Now you can argue that the probability of any such universe existing at all - is minuscule beyond imagination, and posit that this requires an explanation. To me this is the best argument that we live in a multiverse, where a possibly infinite number of universes exist, and in the minuscule fraction of those that do - there are beings like us discussing how improbable this is.

But to me, the idea that God would create a universe as vast as this one, with laws of physics just so, such that after billions of years of stellar nucleosynthesis, somewhere amongst billions of stars there arises a planet that is suited to life to start, and billions of years later his purpose is realised in our creation is preposterous.

If God existed he would just straight out create the Earth, Sun and a few stars, click his fingers and boom - humanity! - pretty much like it says in various scriptures. BIllions of years and billions of chances before something goes right - that's how nature works, not Gods.


The vast, Vast, VAST majority of the universe is deadly to us. But there are _some_ areas on one planet where humans can thrive. Thank you, Oh Beneficent Designer! 😄 The conditions weren't adjusted for us! We evolved to fit the conditions as they are.


Someone needs to spend more time thinking about the application of Bayes' Theorem.

Given that this universe DOES exist with us as observers, we have extremely strong evidence that this universe CAN exist.

What evidence do we have that any other universes CAN exist?

What evidence do we have of the likelihood of sentient life forming, based on any thermodynamically possible biophysics, in any of those other universe?

See, on this topic there's an extreme disparity between what we KNOW to be true and anything we might conjecture about what MIGHT also be true. And yet your argument goes nowhere without assuming - without evidence - that we know how to usefully constrain these conjectures.

And we don't know this. If we say, ok, let's allow the parameter space of the fundamental constants to express their available range (whatever that may be: it's something else we know nothing about) then there may well be broad areas of this parameter space that would give rise to such a degenerate universe that nothing interesting would ever happen in it. That would seem to support your claim.

The problem is, we have no idea how much of the total parameter space is taken up by these degenerate cases. We have no idea what degree of available complexity is required for sentient life to evolve. We have no evidence on this matter. We have no idea what forms of complexity are possible within the parameter space IN TOTAL. You can cite all the degenerate cases you want, but that information is insignificant if we don't know anything about the total range of cases.

In short, you're offering another Argument from Ignorance fallacy.


I am of the opinion that this form of logic is backwards. We are here because the universe is the way it is, not because the Universe is made for us.
In addition, we do not have sufficient understanding to state that the Universe could have evolved in any other way. We are a product of this Universe. Any other Universe could possibly produce conscious life but it would just not be consciousness as we could imagine it.
I hope for eternal life. When I die I will find out whether or not it exists. If it doesn't, I will be really, really pissed off.


Notice the assumption: "a creator." Why not two? Or ten? Or a billion?


Define tiny argument is more like an argument of big numbers. We have no idea what the odds of any particular action happening in the universe or at the beginning of the universe would be. We only have an example of one universe that is.

The fine tuning argument is as nearly as weak as all the other arguments of theism.

Baseless navel gazing.


I went to a Catholic school in the '80s and the teacher made this claim. As an astronomy enthusiast, I knew it was nonsense. This plus my confusion about a small family building an boat lager than an aircraft carrier or oil tanker lead me to disregard Biblical teachings with regards to science.

Had my teacher taught me about Georges Lemaître, Gregor Mendel, & Lewis Carroll things might have been different. 😢


This constants are so important, the proof of creation and god didn't talk about it to any of the prophets, in any religious book. By god, if a women loses her virginity before marriage, that must be written!


More god of the gaps arguments. Making assumptions without evodence.


why do I have to share a planet with this? 🤦‍♀ I don't even know which god to blame for it!


This all might be true if everything has been discovered, i.e. science is over. It isn't. Maybe in a 1000 years we discover that infinity IS a fact. In that case, a currently relative (almost) infinite small possibility might exists an (almost) infinite number of times.


Such bs from creationist. 😂😂😂😂 Scientists never ever said anything about any imaginary creator. 😂😂😂 Stop misrepresenting science.


If there were a god, priests would give not take.


The extreme precision needed for life to begin is one thing, but then we add in the consciousness to the equation so the odds of that precision happening by chance go from astronomical to ridiculous. If that kind of "good luck" exists then why aren't I rich yet? 😂


Thanks, but no thanks to these science-religion-forced explanations.


I'm sure, some idiots come here and comment these kind of words: "chance, coincidence, accidentally, evolution, multiverse, eliminated which had not done that way, bla bla bla.."
