Fukuyama, Strauss, and Faith in Liberal Democracy

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Fukuyama, Strauss, and Faith in Liberal Democracy
Populism, Polarization, and National Identity w/ Francis Fukuyama
Francis Fukuyama's Identity: The Begining of The Evolution of Identity
Authoritarianism v. Democracy: Francis Fukuyama on The Year of Elections | Amanpour and Company
Episode 29: The End of History (and an Alternative)
Francis Fukuyama as a Teacher of Evil
Patrick Deneen, Francis Fukuyama, David Levy: 'Liberalism as a (Worthwhile?) Way of Life'
Chantal Mouffe, Carl Schmitt, and the Critique of Enlightenment Liberalism
Philosopher spells out how populists defeated liberal democracy | John Gray interview
Episode 40: The War Over History - America at Risk
A Conversation with Bill Kristol.
The Drivers of Illiberalism
American Tianxia: State and Self at the End of History
'Political Philosophy of Technology & Leo Strauss - Talk 2'
What Can We Learn from Political History?: Strauss and Aron on Thucydides
Post-Modernism is CIA Propaganda! 🤯
Plato against Democracy, Leo Strauss, and more
Episode #161 ... Karl Popper - The Open Society and Its Enemies
Liberalism Ancient and Modern (Millerman PRO Reading Group)
Derrida Fukuyama: 'Specters of Marx,' Pt. 1
Peter Thiel on “The Straussian Moment”
Bernard-Henri Lévy vs. Aleksandr Dugin at the Nexus Symposium 2019
The Virtues of Right-Wing Anti-Liberalism
PANEL 3: McAllister on Strauss and Voegelin: A30-Year Head Start on the Post-Liberal Era