Why Dating A FRUGAL Man Is A Surprisingly TOXIC RED FLAG

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Why Dating A FRUGAL Man Is A Surprisingly TOXIC RED FLAG... In this dating advice video, I will give you the one of the relationship red flags in men that are surprisingly toxic, which you should not overlook. You may see these on first dates, online dating, or somewhere in the dating process. Take heed to these relationship tips, and be sure to watch the entire video.

I don't want you to automatically run when you see these relationship red flags in men. I want you to address the issues adequately. If the red flags are not corrected, then go ahead and leave the toxic relationship and let them go.

I want you to understand that the same relationship red flags that you ignore at the beginning will be the same red flags that will end your relationship. You can see red flags in men while you are dating or even in a relationship, but if you are willing to do your part to correct them, you will avoid a toxic relationship.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful, and you will be able to enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Dating a frugal man
- Dating a cheap man
- Relationship red flags in men
- Relationship red flags
- Red flags in relationships
- 6 relationship red flags that are surprisingly toxic
- Red flags in men
- Red flags in guys
- Relationship advice
- Relationship advice for women
- Relationship expert
- Relationship coach
- Relationship coach for women
- Life coach
- Dating
- Dating advice
- Dating advice for women
- Dating expert
- Dating coach
- Dating coach for women
- Dating red flags
- Red flags in dating a man
- Red flags
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video: Why Dating A FRUGAL Man Is A Surprisingly TOXIC RED FLAG

Watch this dating advice video next: DO THIS To Avoid Dating DAMAGED Men (Emotionally Unavailable Men)


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Being overly frugal is called being very cheap


This is exactly why my recent relationship failed. Having $10k for a trip with his family and then making a big deal for having to spend $1.50 on parking on date night…TOXIC!


I'd say overly frugal == cheap. I'm frugal, but I don't look at the bill on the date, because I've already planned it out. If you're concerned about money, you shouldn't be dating, imo.


Usually they are using you. They will spend money on themselves but act cheap with you so that you cover the bill.


Some men will criticize anything you buy like any make up or clothes because they don’t want you to be happy, or feel confident. It can be abusive if they control all the money and there isn’t give and take or room to enjoy life … or for you to be able to leave. Ladies never put the bills in your name and never give up your private account … he can add you to his if he wants to provide … but we ladies must protect our safety … men too … each person needs financial autonomy to an extent … financial abuse is real and can get you trapped with dangerous men … happened to me.


My ex was "frugal", never spent money on me, he explained he would spend this money on his children etc, I thought aww cute and responsible... later down the line, the guy is chased by police bc hes been a massive gambler and lost a lot. In fact he was a cheap stingy ass. I value generosity, enjoying life and letting the other one know you appreciate them


In my experience an extremely and selectively frugal man is controlling.


Yes they even complain about a woman changing her hairstyle or purchasing a new outfit. They buy quality items for themselves but wants you to buy cheap quality items...the list goes on


It comes down to selfishness. Narcissists are controlling, and money is one way they can control. Some are overly cheap and others spend money on people to obligate them in the future, but both approaches are controlling and selfish.


I've heard horror stories about those guys. So important to watch out for if someone is in the dating scene.


Ooo yeah.. was married to a man who controlled money to the point where we no longer were going out on dates, there were no gifts being exchanged, he would complain that he made more money than I did all the time since our finances were combined (HUGE NO GO) he would always remind me how much money he would have had we of not been together, he would buy things for himself that were not necessities but not allow me to do the same. It was down right ridiculous!! Do not marry this man it will be a disaster and you will never be happy!! I was happy when I left NEXT>


I became more frugal since I got laid off. My ex was insensitive to my financial situation and broke up due to different "lifestyle aspirations" and that I couldn't keep up monetarily with his 50/50 demands. He does like to spend more frivolously as he makes good money. I realize the importance of having similar financial values and finding someone who is compassionate, understanding, and NOT avaricious.


I had someone complain when we were out to eat bc I asked for Blue Cheese crumbles on my burger... It was extremely embarrassing omg


Cheap men turn me off … like how is $90 a lot for shoes ?


Some guys hoped for my savings to pay for their needs. Jokers!


When I was younger I thought women that complained about their husbands being frugal were just high maintenance but the man I was with was extreme. I’m frugal myself but he was to the point he wanted to live in bad neighborhoods where most of our neighbors were getting notices on their doors for non payment of rent when we could easily afford to pay double what we were paying. Just mentioning grabbing a meal from a fast food place he’d get mad and complain we were spending too much. I hurt my wrist and wanted to go to the doctor for it and he complained that I could just wrap it with an old T-Shirt. It was very disordered thinking. I don’t want someone that overspends but what he was doing was ridiculous.


I'm not making this up. Early in our marriage I saw the first sign. A month and a half into our marriage I just was on my so-called honeymoon, with his parents and his brother and girlfriend, no kidding, and I decided to buy a corn on the cob at KFC for 50 cents, it was 1979. He gave me an earful for spending that much money on a corn on the cob. I was so sad and felt so bad that I threw it in the trash. Then shortly thereafter we met with his cousin and her husband for dinner and instead of eating each one a separate meal as she and her husband offered he asked that she only buy one meal and that we would split it between the two of us. She pulled him that it was no problem buying two meals and he insisted so that's what happened we ate that one meal between the two of us. This is the most disgusting of all the things that there is more but I'll leave it at these two events. We worked in New York and saved $15, 000 and when we moved to Miami he took that money and went to two trips to Venezuela spending the first time 2 months without working and the second time almost a month. That was supposed to be money for college and he blew it. I was so submissive to the point of being stepped on like a mat. By the way, 43 years later I am divorcing due to this and serial adultery.


My ex was like that overtly. My current bf has some frugal characteristics. He is frugal in his own life, as well.


Those frugal types might have obsessive compulsive personality disorder


Being cheap has always turned me off no matter how much I liked that person! Being cheap simply means you won’t be able to provide! No no nope.
