10 Clichés Cheap Men LOVE Saying!

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my dear elegant ladies
me: "adjusts posture"


Cheap men make bad fathers. My dad never gave any of the family anything nice he kept money to himself. He is not poor or rich but the average man. I never saw him spoil my mom or even spoil me as a little girl. Meanwhile my mom is a homemaker but she gave me gifts when she could, and I did the same to her. If it wasn't for your channel I would probably end up dating men who act like my dad, because that is what I'm used to.


me and my husband marry early because i got pregnant.. i have always felt guilty because he obviously didnt want to get married at a young age and he just got his first job and we really didnt have a lot of money. i was worried im a burden. but through out the years i am grateful that we grew together and strong. i realised even though we are not exactly rich rich we love being together living a comfortable life and building our own family. he turned out to be a gentleman ❤️ i had the opportunity to be a stay at home mom and take care of my family.


I once heard a man say I don’t care if she spends my money, she makes me happy!


The most important thing to remember is you cannot change someone to be what you want. If a man is cheap, that is what he is and you need to move on. I have met well to do men who are cheap and you will waste your time being with them instead of getting back out there and looking for someone else.


I have to say, as fellow ladies, we HAVE to apreciate what your man does. My mother made the mistake of never appreciating my father's gifts and always coplained about how my father could have done something else with the money. The most recent example was when my father bought my mother roses and a $600 set of high quality pans just because, and all she said that he just waisted money, no thank you or anything. Keep in mind, we are upper middle class so we do not need to be cheap. As a result of this constant rejection, my father no longer gives her gifts and in general, their relationship has gone stale. You can expect things, but please reciprocate the love to him, even with just a simple thank you.


If a man tells you 'you deserve better' believe him and run. It's a double edged sword. The man is trying to manipulate you into staying with him to prove that you aren't just a fair-weather girlfriend. It's also another way to say 'I don't want to become better. I will always be this way'. Ten years later, when you're in a fight, he will say, "I told you I was like this. Why did you marry me?"


“My dear elegant ladies” is not something you hear everyday. It makes you feel good and reminds you of your worth. Thank you Anna.


It's insane how men (low value men) will guilt trip you for having STANDARDS while being extremely picky on the women they want to be seen with.


I mean..liking women for their looks is also materialistic but acceptable for some reason


We’ve all been at a bar when a man thinks a drink (which he offered) is a ticket to the bedroom. 🤢


I was told that stingy is equal to thoughtless and selfishness. The one who truly loves is thoughtful and not selfish.


My grandmother once admonished me when I received an expensive gift from my boyfriend and I said that I felt bad because I didn't know what to give him in return. She said, just make him feel cherished. Most gentlemen instinctively want to put the woman they love on a pedestal and provide for them, it is a way they invest themselves in a woman. If "if he doesn't spend it on you, he will spend it on someone else." Post edit: I was corrected to not say all men in general want to shower women with gifts. And he would be right...not all men are the same... ;)


“I love men who look after their women” 💯 Absolutely!!!


This title alone is going to have a lot of people in their feelings


Thank you Anna for putting words on all this, we women really need to open our eyes and be aware. Your videos are really clear, I love the way you go straight to the point.


i am so glad you mentioned being educated and having your own so noone can pull the rug out from under you


Ladies, if you were his dream woman, he would never say that, he would be too scared to lose you after that


I can’t express how much I love this video. I’ve heard every single phrase in my life (German man are really like this a lot of time) and I’m so thankful that finally someone speaks out and stand for women. Thank you, dear Anna!


“Now you understand how women feel when men use them for sex without committing “ 💕😆 Standing ovation 👏🏻 !!!
